Is ignorance a virtue for women?
Dec 3, 2007 20:19
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You are welcome. We both learn some from each other.

Shegottobe, glad to hear that nobody can change your hopes.To quote a line someone has ever said on this forum:" hope is a good thing, maybe the best thing.".
Dec 9, 2007 21:43
GUESTKWEILAN Ok... so I'm new to this posting forum... the way I see it is that women are smart enough to let the men think they are more intelligent and "all that and a bucket of beans." True, Men have the brawn, but women have the brains. When the writer wrote that "ignorance is women's virtue", he meant that women are ignorant of the arrogance and aggressiveness of the men who try to keep them subserviant. In this case I would agree... "ignorance is bliss". If we were to let you guys in on the secret, we would still be walking ten steps behind you in bound feet no less! My advice to the young men who use quotes and rhetoric to try and put their point across that it is futile. This is a fast moving world in which women in the past have fought long and hard for the right to have a say and a right to education and a better life... with or without a man. We will never go back to the "bad old days of being "barefoot and pregnant". Remember... when you put women down, you are putting your mother down too. Think of her when you speak downgrade women. Hmmm... I'm sure you're thinking twice now...
And for all of you young ladies out there... never apologize for being smart, intelligent and beautiful. Modern men of today do not want some ignorant needy girl who cannot carry a conversation or know how to take charge. They want partners who can help them to grow and develop a positive and meaningful relationship. No one respects and ignorant person..male or female.
Dec 20, 2007 03:49

After reading all the posts following this thread, I did not see any man tries to put women down buy using rhetoric or quote. You got the wrong idea and you wronged many of the men.

For your point : "no one respects an ignorant person..male or female.", I have a different view. Sometimes, many "ignorant" guys can not receive good education because of their impoverishment. They have no choice. We still should be respectful to them.
Dec 20, 2007 19:49
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If having money is a man’s assurance that a woman will stay with him, I think he better rethink his position. If money is all that he can offer, he is in a bad, bad position. There are lots of rich men in this world.

A man is a man whether his wife is working or not. If he is unsure, well, maybe he is gay and he doesn’t know it? A true man is secure in his masculinity no matter what.

I avoid insecure men like a plague and they avoid me like a plague so it is all good. I will not belittle myself and my accomplishments just so a man would like me. Just because I work and earn money doesn’t mean I am competing with men. There is no competition. LOL!

I never liked playing a “helpless victim”. I am smart, intelligent and beautiful and I will never apologize for it! There, I said it. :-P

Now, let’s watch all the men scramble away. LOL!

"Work like you don't need the money
Dance like no one is watching
Sing like no one is listening
Love like you've never been hurt
And live life every day as if it were your last."
~~ Anonymous

Dec 26, 2007 20:13
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Very interesting thoughts!>> If having money is a man’s assurance that a woman will stay with him, I think he better rethink his position. If money is all that he can offer, he is in a bad, bad position. There are lots of rich men in this world.<< I highly appreciate this idea.

Just like GUESTKWE said :never apologize for being smart, intelligent and beautiful.

Dec 27, 2007 19:00
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Thank you, Leonardo! ^_^

Jun 8, 2008 07:51
GUEST8423 Is ignorance a virture for women?
No. Only an ingnorant man will think this way. Open your eyes, in today's world, women played dominant roles in various fields. In politics, Hilary, Rice,Merkel, Tymoshenko, former chinese vice premier Wuyi are all smart women.
Jun 8, 2008 22:04
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"No. Only an ingnorant man will think this way."

Or a very insecure man who is easily threatened by successful women.

Insecure people are very dangerous. They end up killing themselves and others.
Jun 9, 2008 04:14
  • JANE01
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I totally agree with the idea: The thing is -- if a woman has to feign ignorance to please a man -- then she will become contemptuous of him. In the short run, it might be cute, but I'm more for partners being honest with each other.

Though I don't object the idea that a woman with Doctor's Degree married a plumber, I think it is better for two people with similar educational background to marry. Too much difference between two people would spoil the marriage.
Jun 17, 2009 02:28
GUEST26131 I'll not kill someone said women are dumb coz thay're too stupid to be killed
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