Is ignorance a virtue for women?
Nov 25, 2007 22:14
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"The well-matched couple should be a couple sharing similar educational background and simialr social status."

Maybe it works for a lot of people, maybe it doesn't work for some. Do people really consider educational background and social status for a life partner? You have to ask why.
Nov 26, 2007 20:06
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"Maybe it works for a lot of people, maybe it doesn't work for some. Do people really consider educational background and social status for a life partner? You have to ask why. "

It works for many. People sharing common grounds are compatible. Marriage is not just a simple combination of two opposite-sex individuals. Understanding is a key to a long-lasting marriage life. Common social background is helpful to achieve mutual understanding easily.
Nov 27, 2007 20:26
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I agree with FRANKENSTEIN.

I'm an Asian American who has grown up in the United States, and there are times I feel more Chinese and there are times I feel more American. It's usually when I come back having visited Asia that I realize how Chinese I am; yet, the minute I start integrating with American society, I feel American once again.

BUT, I'm a devout Christian, so when I'm with a Christian guy, it transcends all ethnic and social boundaries. That's what's cool about it. ;)

- moondollars
Nov 29, 2007 09:40
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Hah! Maybe I am a hopeless romantic, but if I am in love with a guy, I couldn't care less if he is the poorest man in the world as long as he has a good heart and he treats me right.
Nov 29, 2007 14:49
  • JCNILE123
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This is called "Emotional Equality". Men are particularly sensitive to "Emotional equality".

I do not know where you got this title from; I will say that is male insecurity and fear of an intelligent and secure, perhaps dominant woman.
Many call that feminism, I, personally have no fear of my woman to be the best she can be, and so, we can look to each other eye to eye, and if I have to look up to her, why not?
After all we are a team.
Nov 29, 2007 20:19
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"Maybe I am a hopeless romantic." Don't feel that. My intention is not to disillusion your hope. I just try to present a common truth. Certainly, there are also some successful marriages between two persons who have quite different backgrounds, but such cases are quite few.

"I, personally have no fear of my woman to be the best she can be,and so, we can look to each other eye to eye, and if I have to look up to her, why not?"

I appreciate your idea. However, there are some accepted social norms I lack the courage to defy. In China, society defines men's gender role in families: raising families and shoulder more responsibilities. The underneath tone is that men have to make more money than their wives. If a Chinese man lived on his wife, he would be blamed. Many people would gossip about him. Being human means that we live not only for meals but for dignity and reputation.
Nov 29, 2007 20:34
  • JCNILE123
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Thank you for your reply; I like you to know that you have teach me today a valuable lesson about eastern culture and values, as I’m very interested on learning about Chinese culture and people.
I respect very much your point of view.
Dec 1, 2007 09:26
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Any thing,
Don't too rubbed,
May heat and produce bad smell.
Dec 1, 2007 19:32
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I think we all look, and perhaps at the subconscious level for someone of the same social and education level/status as ourselves when looking for a partner.
The more compatible a couple are the more chance there is of the relationship lasting IMO
Dec 2, 2007 20:05
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Frankenstein, you cannot disillusion my hope. Nobody can change my hopes. I think there is a misunderstanding there. ^_^”
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