Why marry a Chinese girl?
Nov 2, 2007 07:32
Blimey Dodger, you must have been 119 ish when you were in the navy, are you sure you're not Davy Jones? and I'm not talking about the one from the Monkey's he he
Nov 2, 2007 18:23
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sorry i got my age wrong...only 139 next year..ha
The pills help though.
Nov 3, 2007 03:52
  • JCNILE123
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Greetings, Leonardo.

I hope, I can fully answer you to the best of my knowledge,
but I must confess to you that it is a difficult task.
Your wring is inconsistent and with out a line of tough to follow, if I fail to answer
you well, please let me know, I can be glad to revisit any statement I make.

This is the Guess 32134 writing,
((I am a western woman, who was very committed to my marriage and faithful throughout
the 22 years I was married to my western husband. I supported him in his career and put
my ambitions aside for him. He abandoned our children and myself for a young Chinese woman.
She is 25 years younger than him and me. I don't think that he would have the same
opportunities to have met a much younger woman in his own native country, not being rich or
powerful enough, but, of course, in China, his status was a different matter. In China, my husband
is seen as wealthy and a good catch. I think finance and security lie at the base of many of these
relationships, and the reason that not so many Chinese men have relationships or marry
foreign women, is to do with earning power.))

I present you with a portion of your immediate reply to her, by parts.
((So sorry to hear your story,)) ((DON’T YOU THINK THAT HE WAS NOT WORTHY OF YOUR LOVE?)))

You ask her a confirmatory question, which in turn obligates her to an affirmative answer.
That is call, a leading question, with no optional dissenting.

After you presented her with your cold-hearted question, you stated that you are not sure,
about the present status of her relationship with the man.
How relevant it is to you the status quo of the relationship? I can answer you it is irrelevant,
unless you are planning to unleash a barrage of words against the western individual in a very opportunistic way.
Opportunistic because you do not know the other side of the story, you just know that he
(the western man) is not there to defend his self, or make his case.
We do not know if this person (our guess) is telling us the truth, do you know it.

However, one thing I know.
You accused the western man, you judged the western man, and you found the western man
guilty in absentia and you fated him to be known to all the people as a despicable creature
unworthy of a place in a civilized society.
You level such heavy words against that western man (immoral) that I was motivated to
question the purpose and integrity of your words.

I will finish my answer to you later on, on the meantime I leave you with portions of the names
you called the western man, as you passed judgment on him.

Your quotes,
he MIGHT be NOTHING but an ordinary guy
just wanted to criticize the IMMORAL man who betrayed their love and marriage.

Nov 3, 2007 03:53
  • JCNILE123
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By the way, yes, I am a very insightful individual; you shall know that by know.

Hope you do not take this as a personal matter to carry grouches.
You have a good day! to be continue...
Nov 3, 2007 06:39
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JC has a good point on this issue IMO.
Before we can “sit in judgment” we need to know both sides of the story.
Our presumption that the Woman has been has been wronged may not be correct. Perhaps we will never know.
But perhaps the moral of this story is that we should give as much attention to our relationships as we do to our work and not take them for granted.
I am a failure in this so what would I know anyway.
Nov 3, 2007 08:11
GUEST31134 I reckon I deeply disagree with the innocence and hidden agendas mentioned here. I have repeatedly heard by chinese both men & females that women indeed are generally looking for a way to leave China. I was married to a bigamist who married a chinese from guangzhou. She was fully aware that he was not only married but had a kid in the USA. I do not believe she had any remorse as she got pregnant twice. life has its surprises, right?
Nov 3, 2007 08:22
GUEST31134 Guest,
I have been through what you have lived and more. I am western and my french exhusband married his mistress ignoring the fact that he was already married and; as if it had not been enough, the girl was fully aware and did not care. I guess some men do not care hurting anyone. Just as you I supported that individual not only financially but emotionally. All I can tell you at this point is that what goes around comes around and eventually, they will both get what they deserve.
Nov 9, 2007 03:11
GUEST119 Quote:
"All I can tell you at this point is that what goes around comes around and eventually, they will both get what they deserve. "

You mean the two deserve each other?
Nov 10, 2007 17:50
GUEST12121 no real offense but i don't find chinese men very attractive...
Nov 10, 2007 21:45
GUEST24215 I am just the opposite - I find Chinese men attractive and genuine, though they may appear a bit "unpolished" - most are extremely intelligent. But from my experiences, eventually it is not the physical attributes that count in a relationship> Also being a woman, what are we really looking for in a relationship.
Surprisingly, based on what is prevalent in this Forum, it is intriguing to note that there are a substantial no. of white men looking for Chinese women as spouses. Really wonder why ? Are their reasons given here genuine ?
NB - most of these are matured men with records of broken marriages ?
No real intention to offend anyone, of cos. I am Just wondering.
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