Public interest advertisement needs nudity?
Oct 27, 2007 07:11
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If nudity in ads is a problem to someone, why make it more public by showing pics and shouting "these should not be shown!"???

Only way to make something unnecessary is not to care about it.

Nudity is taken differently in different cultures. Once an Italian guy joined our football team. He married a finnish woman and moved here. Every now and then we had a sauna evening in local sports education center (donĀ“t know what it really is in English). He was quite surprised when he noticed all men were naked there and decided not to go to sauna. Nowadays it is not a problem to him. Neither is going swimming to lake from sauna, naked. Here, if use something in sauna is quite funny. And only if swimming place is public, we use trunks when go swimming from sauna.

Oct 27, 2007 22:55
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There are many ways to advertise such a theme. Why it? Has most advertisement staff used up one's talent or energy?
Oct 28, 2007 22:21
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Quote: Nudity is taken differently in different cultures.

Carlos, you are right. At least for Chinese, being naked in public is very embarrassing though their concepts have changed a lot. I belive it will be ok if it is in US or in some other western countries. BTW, why do you call yourself Carlos? Is that because you like playing football and Carlos is your idol?
Oct 29, 2007 04:51
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Carlos is a joke, some kind of. My real name is Kaarlo. We use to twist names often here, almost all have some kind of nickname, mine is Carlos Munoz and it becomes from some Finnish words I think I will not explane here, because it would take too big space.

My idol in football is Jari Litmanen, so I trust to homemade idols.
Nov 25, 2007 23:37
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I like the idea. Nude women stars for breast cancer awareness.

Wait. I have a better idea. Nude men stars for prostrate cancer awareness. Any takers? ^_^"
Nov 26, 2007 06:20
That's a good idea, I'm not sure I would be brave enough though.
Nov 26, 2007 21:30
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Quote: Wait. I have a better idea. Nude men stars for prostrate cancer awareness. Any takers? ^_^"

SHESGOTTOBE, I can not help laughing while reading your words. It is really a good idea and worth trying. To be serious, I suspect those nude stars' purposes for advertising. Perhaps, they really want to do something good. But I sense that they are seeking names by advertising. Hope I am wrong about this.
Nov 27, 2007 12:49
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Hi Katrina, why should men have all the fun? Girls want some too. ;-)
Nov 27, 2007 20:55
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Quote: If nudity in ads is a problem to someone, why make it more public by showing pics and shouting "these should not be shown!"???
Only way to make something unnecessary is not to care about it.

Carlos, I can not agree with you any more. If those stars want to seek name in this way, just let them do this. If you do not like their ways of advertising, just keep away yourself from this.
Jan 24, 2008 20:28
GUESTJIMMY I'm not a star, but I'll pose nude for such a good cause
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