XIAMEN to Shanghai or Xiamen to HK?
May 26, 2010 21:29
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Jude, that email address doesn't look correct. I've tried to email you at what I think should be your correct email address. If you don't get it, email me directly at|ellyse99 and put "TravelChinaGuide" and your own username in the subject line; or, please provide your correct email address!
Apr 11, 2012 01:20
GUEST16104 I am arriving Xiamen on 3rd June 2012. I want to know what are the places to visit near Xiamen. What are the distances and time taken to reach Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzen. I have to leave Xiamen on 7th June.
Apr 11, 2012 02:41

Originally Posted by GUEST16104

I am arriving Xiamen on 3rd June 2012. I want to know what are the places to visit near Xiamen. What are the distances and time taken to reach Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzen. I have to leave Xiamen on 7th June.

Gulangyu Island is highly recommended. Enjoy your time and nice snacks on that small island.

Xiamen to Shanghai: high speed trains. Time: nearly 9 hours.
Shanghai to Shenzhen: by air or train. I suggest you take cheap flight of some airlines. It is faster and more convenient.

Shenzhen to HK: go through the Luohu Border and then take East Rail to your destination in HK.
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