Mcdonald's Increase price
Oct 11, 2007 04:01
  • ZOEY
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Mcdonald's increased its milk shake price on August. In recent days, Mcdonald's has increased the price of Breakfast food once again. The average price increased by 0.5 to 1 yuan. Mcdonald's claimed that the increase of price is due to the increasing price of raw materials and that the increasing has nothing to do with its rising salary for its employees.

It is reported earlier that on September 1st, Mcdonald' has raised its staff's salary in China. The salary has an average increase of about 30 percents. What do you think the increase of price? Will you still buy Mcdonald's?
Oct 11, 2007 04:07
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I seldom buy Mcdonald's or KFC. Perhaps, they are following suit of Chinese producers. At present, the prices have been rising and rising.
Oct 11, 2007 09:44
  • GRIZ326
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I eat at McDonald's once a year. We stop on the drive to hunting camp.

The only other times during the year that I stop at McDonald's is to buy a hamburger for my old dog Sammi. She still likes McDonald's hamburgers and it too old to worry about getting fat. least that's what she tells me. ;-)

I do not like seeing McD & KFC in China, but I guess they are there to stay and will instill bad eating habits into China's younger generation. :-(
Oct 11, 2007 16:39
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It is natural that prices rise occasionally. I dont think it will affect anyone who goes to Maccy D, they are only after their hamburger fix and will pay the prices, maybe they wont even notice.
Personally I havent been in one of their places for several years.
Oct 12, 2007 01:39
I avoid Mcdonalds these day's, I only used to go there if I was working on a weekend for a breakfast meal.
I agree with Griz it's not good to see in China.
Oct 12, 2007 09:41
GUEST40254 live a little people.
just limit yourself to the amount you consume.

Oct 12, 2007 11:53
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I don't care how much Maccas increases its prices as I rarely go to them. If I held a franchise I would push up my prices if I thought demand would not fall too much. Consumers can decide wheteher to pay the increased prices or go elsewhere, it is not as if Maccas' tucker is essential food! In fact the higher the price the better, then more people wil quit Maccas and might support more traditional Chinese vendors instead.
Oct 12, 2007 12:36
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The price rise in the PRC does not shock me at all. Food prices, overall, have been rising within China over the past year.

Moreover, even in my home city here in California, the price has risen in the past couple of months. A Big Mac, is now $2.95 (more than 22 RMB) for the burger alone, not the combination meal. That is still quite a bit more than the same item in China. There was a special show on CNBC here in the USA last month which focused on the McDonalds expansion into China. Their goal is to expand the number of stores by many thousands in the next few years. In fact, they have partnered with SinoPec and will have options to open smaller take-out stores in conjunction with the gasoline stations.

It is difficult to find a really good burger (US style) in China. So when I get the need for a ‘fix’ of a cheese burger, I lower my standards, and I hit the local McD’s in my Lao Po’s community maybe once each week; much to the delight of our daughter.

I have no regrets, however, about not being able to find a great burger in the PRC. All of that fine ethnic food that I enjoy in China (Cantonese is still my favorite) is always missed even more than that burger was, when I am back home in America. :)

Oct 19, 2007 03:52
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"It is difficult to find a really good burger (US style) in China."

Mcdonald's sells poor-quality burgers in China? What are the differnces between the burgers in US and the burgers in China?Flavor? The burgers belong to junk food.
Oct 19, 2007 05:52
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Rogerinca, are you from Oakland? man because that is Oakland pricing for a big mac where you take the risk of getting robbed while getting something to eat.

Rogerinca is right about the quality of burgers in China though. While in Foshan City in Guangzhou getting a big mac there tasted a whole lot different than the ones they make here in America. In my opinion they tasted a lot more healthier for you where they were very "ghetto" with the sauces and other condiments that they added the the cheeseburgers.The patties were less greasy and the cheese tasted funny and the French Fries tasted really undercooked and not greasy as well, funny thing its how my Mom and Dad would like it so Ronald Mcdonald has got it right in China.

I never eat this junk but when you have been eating rice and vegetables in a poor village where the only major advancement was running water, the burgers look soooooooooo good.

This Mc'd's you couldnt take pictures in:

Oct 19, 2007 07:02
I'm afraid I often succumb to the temptation for Macdonalds or KFC... I particularly like KFC in the far east, where it retains for me the spicy flavours I remember it used to have 20 years ago in the UK (no longer).

By the way there used to be an idea that you could use the price of a Big Mac in different countries to estimate the true value of different currencies, and assess whether they are over- or under- valued. I wonder how this would work out between the USA, Europe, and China now??

I fear we are all going to see food price increases due to poor world-wide harvest of crops for animal food-stuffs, and the diversion of this critical commodity for the production of bio-fuels to make us all feel better about global warming (sorry if that sounds a bit cynical).
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