Hongkong, Shenzhen, Zhuhai ferry Schedule
Mar 25, 2010 23:57
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What nationality is your passport?
Zhuhai is right across the border from Macau.
May 8, 2010 02:06
GUEST57151 From zhuhai to HK,,

cheaper or faster by ferry from macau?

or ferry from jiuzhou??
May 12, 2010 22:59
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There isn't much difference, really.
Zhuhai -- Hong Kong will take 70 mins, normal adult ticket 165 RMB.
Shenzhen -- Hong Kong will take 55 mins, refer to for price on different days. This is the TurboJet website, the other two companies on this route are First Ferry and CotaiJet.
Jul 27, 2010 09:16
GUEST45164 how can i travel from zhuhai to shanghai? i do not want to use air transportations, is there any ferry?
Jul 27, 2010 21:51

Originally Posted by GUEST45164

how can i travel from zhuhai to shanghai? i do not want to use air transportations, is there any ferry?

There is no ferry from Zhuhai to Shanghai. Go to Guangzhou and take a train to Shanghai.
Sep 16, 2010 03:20
GUEST01248 I arrive Shenzhen airport at 2.15 next week and want to be in Hong Kong Central by about 5. Would the ferry from She Kou to Central get me there in time or are there delays? How long does it take by taxi from the airport to the ferry terminal at She Kou and again are there likely to be delays on the road? How much should it cost? How can I find out ferry schedules? I can only find them for 2007 - have they changed? Thank you, any advice is welcome as I haven't tried this route before.
Sep 17, 2010 01:21
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Originally Posted by GUEST01248 View Post

I arrive Shenzhen airport at 2.15 next week and want to be in Hong Kong Central by about 5. Would the ferry from She Kou to Central get me there in time or are there delays? How long does it take by taxi from the airport to the ferry terminal at She Kou and again are there likely to be delays on the road? How much should it cost? How can I find...

Hi there, there is direct bus from shenzhen airport to hongkong, I think it saves time than going to shekou Port.
See [tcgurl=]Shenzhen Airport Transportation to Hong Kong & Macau[/tcgurl] , maybe it can help you to some extent.
Last edited by BAKUI: Sep 17, 2010 01:23
Sep 17, 2010 04:57
GUEST02210 Thank you but I'd like to take the ferry if it will get me there in time. Will it? I need local knowledge to tell me if there are likely to be delays due to road works, heavy traffic etc. How long does it take by taxi from the airport to the ferry terminal?
Sep 18, 2010 04:26
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Ehh, It's hard to say. But time is really tight.
From the airport to Shekou port, it takes about 50 minutes and rmb70 by taxi. Road work should be OK during that period.

Are you sure there are ferry from shekou port to Central, I can only found those from Shekou to Macau Ferry Terminal, which is in sheung wan, one MTR stop from Central. The datarturetime is 0745, 1015, 1145, 1400, 1630, 1915 and the duration time is about 60 minutes.
Last edited by BAKUI: Sep 18, 2010 04:29
Oct 1, 2010 03:02
GUEST82630 I have one entery visa for China. My trip will be Hong Kong->Shenzhen (5 days)->Zhunai (1 day)->Hong Kong. [I don't need a visa for HK]
If I am going to shenzhen I need a visa and then form Shenzhen I take a ferry directly to Zhunai. Do I need a extra visa for Zhunai also or I can use the same visa both for a Shenzhen and Zhunai?

If I need a extra visa for Zhuani, youd I get it form Shunai's ferry port?
Thank you
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