What do you think of spitting and littering?
Oct 16, 2007 03:02
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Are spitting and literring minor frailties? In many cities, spitting is an usual phenomenon. Littering messed the "civilized neighborhoods". Facing to the reality, many people turned a blind eye to them. In China, have you been used to this phenomenon? What do think when you arrive at a city where littering and spitting can be seen in almost every corner? How do you westerners view spitting and littering? Will spitting and littering ruin a city's image?
Oct 16, 2007 03:15
It's something I don't like seeing even though I have done it myself, I try and avoid it if I can or spit direct into a drain, TB is spread by saliva so really it shouldn't be done.
I remember being in Plymouth in the early 70's and they had signs to say if you were caught spitting you would face a heavy fine, I'm not sure if they do this as it's years since I was last there.
Oct 16, 2007 04:38
  • ELLEN77
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Spitting and Littering are really uncivilized behavior for me.
But sometime I also can't help but littering casually, because I can't find a dustbin for a long time. I think many people now have realised their harms and don't behave like this purposely. It is the lack of public facilities that work not ourselves.
Oct 16, 2007 04:59
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Lack of Public facility !!!!! _ I beg to differ. This of course is the case in some places but I have seen litter dropped all around 'facilities' and with in meters of them. It is especially offensive to see well educated and wealthy Chinese, littering in places like Juizhaigou and similar beauty spots. Leaving the poorly paid locals to 'clean up' after their visitors.

In my apartment building which ranks as one of the better quality in the city if not a little old these days, residents litter in the elevator and the small ponds around the garden with no regard for their responsibility to each other or the job of the cleaners. I ask myself what their homes must be like if this is the attitude they have to their surroundings?????????

I have recently returned from my second visit to Maerkang and that area and one of the things I noticed the most out there besides the lack of visitors is how clean it is, even in the markets.

As for spitting.................I won't go there except to say that the noise is almost more offensive than the act.
Oct 16, 2007 05:44
I forgot to add about litter, I always put my rubbish in the bin or carry it with me until I find one.
Oct 16, 2007 07:24
GUEST09180 Are you sure "westerners" do not spit?

Funny post, as always! Iceblue, i suppose you either extremely admire westerners or you hate Chinese to a certain degree.
Oct 16, 2007 08:11
  • AL32
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No matter where I am, I try not to litter. In China, the temptation is sometimes big to just throw a gum wrapper in an exisiting pile of rubbish (like our British friends would say) on the side of the street. But to me, it's a matter of respect. Since that appart from my co-workers, I have yet to see another foreigner in this town; you can imagine the kind of 'superstar' I am here...(and yes, I hear meguoren and/or laowai about 50 times each day!!) it is also kind of a personal pride to give the example to the locals by not littering.

As for the spitting, yes I find this pretty gross and I still cannot get over it when I see a young (or old) beautiful Chinese girl racking her throat and splitting the long shot in front of me. Also, I especially dislike the spitting thing when I drive my matter the good aim, there is sometimes wind and I usually also ride faster than most...
Oct 16, 2007 11:40
  • GRIZ326
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Spitting is important. If you have flem in your throat - especially if you have a cold - you must get it out of your body. But there is are non-offensive ways to accomplish this; I use a paper towel to spit in and I do my best to conceal the action from public view. I then carry the used paper towels with me for disposal in a trash container. When I am in the woods of Montana, I just spit; the wild animals do not care.

As for littering: it is an act of social irresponsibility whether you litter at a national monument, a people's park or on an already dirty city street. It is your junk; dispose of it yourself.
Oct 16, 2007 18:30
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I can barely handle the spitting. I live in China, and I breathe the same air, eat the same food etc. as the locals. Yet, my "need" to spit occurs about once a year while the taxi driver will spit 5 times during a 10 minute trip. I don't understand it.

As a foreigner here, I DO NOT litter. I will carry whatever it is I am in need of disposing until I find a garbage can. And yes, I am trying to set an example, and it is often noticed. My friends will ask why I am carrying an empty container of some kind and I reply that I haven't come across a garbage can yet. You know the story: if everyone did the same, there would be no litter.

Oct 17, 2007 00:50
When I said I spit it was as Griz say's when you have a cold and you need to clear your throat, sometimes I will feel like I'm choaking so I have to clear to clear my throat, I will use a tissue if I have one on me.
What I do hate is when people spit out chewing gum onto the pavement and leaving to for people to collect on their shoes, it's hard to try and remove from carpets etc.
Oct 17, 2007 00:58
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I think spitting is disgusting which ever way you look at it, just because someone decides their body doesnt need it why should the rest of us get to see it.

As for littering, there is no excuse for that. If you cant see a bin and you feel there is no place to put it then consider your own bag or pocket until such times as you locate a bin.

Maybe we need to consider harsher punishments for offenders, hanging? shoot them? over the top you might feel but we would have cleaner streets.
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