To erase our memory or ??
Oct 24, 2007 23:09
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In recent days, some scholars have been calling on people to restore Yuan Ming Yuan (Garden of Perfect Splendor). The purpose of restoring Yuan Ming Yuan is to make more people know that event---the Eight Allied Forces Burning Yuan Ming Yuan. While some people strongly object to restore it. They think that the relic of Yuan Ming Yuan reminds us of remembering that humiliating peroid in history. To restore Yuan Ming Yuan is to erase our memory and that will break this precious relic.

What do you think? Should we restore Yuan Ming Yuan?

Oct 27, 2007 06:51
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I believe Yuan Ming Yuan was destroyed by the British and French 1860. It was second opium war, I think.

What is so humiliating that must be remembered? Not very many Chinese people see the ruins in their lifetime. Talking increases knowledge and I think talking about this has already done it. So, it is not possible to erase oneĀ“s memory.

Whether restore or not, that, I feel, is not important. Complete documentation is, however.
Oct 27, 2007 17:01
  • GRIZ326
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I believe the ruins are looked at as a reminder of foreign aggression and of the humiliation of the battle in which a handful of foreign troops were killed at a cost of 1000 Chinese lives.
Oct 27, 2007 22:39
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I agree with Griz. We should not restore it. We should leave it as it is,as the garden is the witness of the humiliating history. If they want to revive the original prosperous Yuan Ming Yuan. They can construct another completely new one in Beijing.
Oct 28, 2007 22:44
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Carlos, you are right. It was mainly destroyed by Britain and French. "What is so humiliating that must be remembered? " It should be remembered as a warning: If your country is poor and draggling behind other countries, your people would be humiliated and hurt.
Oct 29, 2007 04:19
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Yes, now I know a little more about it. I did not mean to overlook the humiliated feelings, only knowledge is short.
Still, I feel leaving the ruins like they now are should be seen as only a historical act, like ruins in Athens.
Oct 30, 2007 04:09
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Carlos, I agree with you on this point. We should treat it as a historical act. But we should be cautious and prevent such act happening again.
Oct 30, 2007 22:07
  • BBQQ
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I believe that most of you have heard of Venus de Milo. It is the flaw (broken arms) that makes her famous all over the world. Once some people tried to restore this sculpture. However, fianally they all gave up. Sometimes flaw also can be regared as beauty. There is no need to restore Yuan Ming Yuan.
Nov 25, 2007 23:30
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Then it should be a remembrace so that the poor countries should not be humiliated and hurt anymore. Sometimes tragedy had to happen so that we would learn. No pain, no gain.
Nov 27, 2007 03:31
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Exactly, SHESGOTTOBE. History is our best teacher and we should learn something from the tragedy and prevent it happening again. Don't be stumbled by the same stone twice.
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