Why are some guys cheap?
Nov 9, 2007 01:55
GUEST44208 Thank you, miss from the States. for the feedback. Happy for you that things turn out fine.
Different nationalities have different cultural behaviour which others may not be accustomed to initially. Who knows how he perceive u, too. Just need to give your partner and yourself the opportunity to learn more of each other.
What I learn from my personal experience with Chinese people is the difference in expression - a vast difference, even if both are Chinese of different nationalities.
Another point to note is, he may have some prejudices/pre-conceived ideas about certain nationalities. I think this is very common among us. This will affect his behaviour/attitude, too.
So be patient with him. ;)
And Dave got it - if sometimes the gal can offer to pay/absorb the cost or part of the cost of a date, it is a very pleasing gesture to the man. Basically it is the perceived intention that matters.
Nov 13, 2007 14:23
GUEST13139 I think the honest is the best!! to tell the guy that you would like to have a boyfriend who can pay for you.. not all the time .. but at least from time to time.. the one who is truthfully attract to you and want to have a relationship with you, should not mind too much of the money.. i think to have an open discussion about money is a good start..
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