Should we use legal means to punish those who keep mistress?
Nov 15, 2007 01:55
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In today's China, Mistress Phenomenon has become very common. It is not rare to find that those officials and business tycoons are disclosed to keep their mistresses. The data suggests that about 95% corrupted officials have kept mistresses. Some of them keep many mistresses. It is reported that an official in Jiangsu Province even kept about 140 mistresses. How surprising it is!

Do you find that those officials who keep mistresses are different those riches? If those officials were disclosed to keep mistresses, they will be punished by party rules or administrative rules (I think the punishement is too light). However, those rich people who keep mistresses seem to receive no punishments though they were disclosed to mass media.

On this matter, some people suggest that the state should use legal means to punish those who keep mistresses no matter who they are. What do you think? Should we use legal means to punish those who keep mistress?
Nov 15, 2007 04:51
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If the cost of keeping the mistress’ is paid for out of public money then yes these Men need to be punished.
If they are private companies then it is really no concern of ours.
But if a man can keep 140 Woman happy he needs to write a book on it. He will make a fortune.
I struggle with one.
Nov 15, 2007 11:55
  • JCNILE123
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I think the 140 man was just doing charity,
think about it, will you settle for just less than
ONE time average every 6 months?
Let him do something good for the poor and needed.
He is a loving man.
Nov 15, 2007 16:23
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Although I have no stats to back it up, I firmly believe that the vast majority of those with mistresses here are connected to the govt., and as such, their mistresses are bought and paid for with public money. These guys should have their peepies wacked.
Nov 15, 2007 20:41
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Dodger, most of those officials who keep mistress spend the public money to cover their cost. The civil servants' salary has been increased. However, it can not cover their expenditure to keep a mistress let alone keeping 140 mistresses.

Personally, I think that the officials and their mistress just take advantage of each other. He wants to satisfy himself and his mistress could make fortune from him---living in big and comfortable house and buying whatever she likes.

Nov 16, 2007 23:58
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I read a history, A man need 90 women for a night. So 140 is not a big problem--- !!!

We have no way to punish the people who keeping mistress cause they are powerful in health, wealth & power position.

We only can say, " Grapes are sour".

Nov 18, 2007 01:29
  • GRIZ326
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If a government official pressured my gal for special services, I would want his head on a plate.

If a government official paid for special services from an available woman with tax money, I would want an appropriate punishment.

If a wealthy man paid for special services from an available woman with his own money - it is his business. If he tried to put it on his expense account, then he should face an appropriate punishment.

If a common man squanders his family resources for special services from an available woman - the wife should have recourse.

If an unmarried man (even a government official) decides to pay for special services with personal money from an available woman - it is a matter between the man and the woman.

Sex is a part of our humanity - only the circumstances can make it vile.
Nov 18, 2007 20:56
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Quote: We have no way to punish the people who keeping mistress cause they are powerful in health, wealth & power position.

Lion, we should punish those who use public funds to keep mistresses. Power should not be abused randomly.

Griz, are you writing a poem? I like your 'poem' :)
Nov 19, 2007 14:40
  • GRIZ326
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It was not intended as a poem, Jimmy...just the way I parse the possibilities.
Nov 19, 2007 19:52
  • KEVIN0518
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Quote: It is reported that an official in Jiangsu Province even kept about 140 mistresses.

Really surprising! I wonder how he deal with them. If his mistresses knew that he kept so many, will they be jealous of each other?
Nov 25, 2007 23:25
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I am very passionate about this. It takes two or 3 or 4 or even 140 to tango! It is not just the men's fault but the women as well. I don't know any self-respecting woman who would settle to be No. 2, No. 3 or gosh! No. 140? I do not have respect for perverts either cause to me that's what those men are. ^_^"
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