Life is a ribbon?
Nov 15, 2007 01:57
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Hey all,

I have read a line:

"Life is a ribbon. Are you tying yours in knots or bows? "

I know it is a simile or a metaphor, but I am not certain what it means exactly. I wonder how you native speakers understand this line. Any interpretaion of the line is welcome. Thanks in advance.
Nov 16, 2007 02:11
  • ELLEN77
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I think knots means a person who treat life seriously and perseverantly, while bows means one who is quite flexible on conditions.
Nov 16, 2007 02:36
  • BBQQ
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Life is a ribbon? Perhaps, it is a box of chocolate, haha. You wouldn't know what the flavour is before you open it.
Nov 16, 2007 04:30
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I haven't heard that exact phrase before but I would suggest it is using the idea of being 'tied up in knots' is to be confused and muddled - so life is difficult. On the other hand if you can make your ribbon ointo a bow you have made something orderly and pretty, you have control and made happiness of your life.
Nov 19, 2007 14:28
  • GRIZ326
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I would agree with APAULT's interpretation.
Nov 29, 2007 22:31
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From one of my favorite movies of all time, Forrest Gump

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."


"Life is a ribbon. Are you tying yours in knots or bows? "

It means you are the master of your life. You can make your life beautiful (bows) or you can make it miserable (knots).
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