Canadian - Chinese Marriage in China
Jul 30, 2012 12:37
GUEST38202 anyone here willing to pay to stay in canada... .i am in debt and need money to start my life over again and I am willing to marry a chinese who wishes to have canadian citizenship for payment.... no living together, no live together, nothing together, only marriage on paper as a business transaction.|massage2010
Aug 3, 2012 22:52
GUEST83236 If you want to get married in China, make sure prepare a Certificate of No Impediment from your home coutry, and your birth certificate. And get them to be authenticated by Chinese consulate in Calgary.
Sep 15, 2012 22:12
GUEST20166 Hi 58952,

Sounds gruesome. Been married to a beautiful Chinese lady for over a year and she is wonderful! Sadly all countries have gold diggers
Nov 26, 2012 10:47
GUEST56211 My wife and I were engaged in China, and choose to wait till we were in Canada to get married. The reason for this is that is much easier for her to get into Canada as my fiancée rather than my wife. We were married in Canada, and me being a Canadian citizen applied for her permanent residence. We hired a immigration consultant, which cost about $5000, but they do everything on your behalf. Took about 10 months for her to get a work visa, which enables her to have a OHIP card and which 1 year and 3 months she was a perminant resident of Canada.
Dec 1, 2012 12:24
GUESTGERALD If a Canadian citizen(male)gets married in China,does he have to be physically present in China,if he wants a divorce?We never got remarried in Canada.
Dec 2, 2012 01:29

Originally Posted by GUESTGERALD

If a Canadian citizen(male)gets married in China,does he have to be physically present in China,if he wants a divorce?We never got remarried in Canada.

What do you want to say? You have to show yourself up at the civil affairs office if you want to get married with your wife. As for divorce, you two have to show up at the civil affairs office too if you got married in China.
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