Staking lives because of poverty
Dec 19, 2007 12:31
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Has anyone read Chief Seattle´s speech?
Leonardo, You write beautifully, without fanaticism, only showing the point.
Just like Chief Seattle in he´s speech to Great White Chief.

Nevertheless, Indians live in reservations and coal miners will die in accidents or deseases.

Griz, I agree with You. I think China is a capitalistic country. In fact, there are quite few non-capitalistic coutries in the world and no socialistic countries at all.


Dec 19, 2007 20:33
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Thanks Carlos.

It is a pity that I have never read Chief Seattle´s speech. Where can I find his works?
In his speech, did he concentrate on the miserable life of Indians who were driven away to the Indian Reservations. West Movement in the USA was at the expense of the native Indian. To some extent, West Movement is a history of Indian's blood and tears. The tragic episode is pathetic to any sympathetic global citizen in this global village.

I agree that China has a neo-capitalism. Chairman Deng is a great strategist with great vision. He deserves credit for his blueprint formulated in 1979.
Dec 21, 2007 09:37
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1854 the Great White Chief in Washington offered to buy from Indians their land and to give them a reservation insted
It has been said that Chief Seattles answer is one of the most beautiful speech that is held for nature and original culture.

There are not any textual similarities with Your writing, Leonardo, only the emotional feeling after reading he´s and Your writing became similar to me.

Dec 21, 2007 10:38
  • JCNILE123
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In today’s living the suffering and pains of the Native American Indian is use extensible by non-natives and foreigners to advance their agenda, most of the time the agenda it self have nothing to do with the Native people of America, but a lot to do with peoples rejection of the American political, economical, social and military power.
American Natives, for the great part do not go around asking for pity and compassionate words of condescending, American Natives know well their place in history, and with dignity accept it.
More over, today days America is the nation of opportunity to all, it is up to you to take the opportunity and not only survive, but to prosper too.
Mentioning the American Natives as an example of tyranny and suffering it is a tyranny it self.
American Natives do not go around asking for crocodile tears from others.

Quote, (((West Movement is a history of Indian's blood and tears.)))
Yes, it is truth, but it is also truth, the white man suffered greatly on the hands of the Native, in equal terms as the Native warriors defended the land and the people.

Quote, ((((did he concentrate on the miserable life of Indians who were driven away to the Indian Reservations?)))
Very little, you know about a people with the red blood inside, American Natives became somber and discontented after the conquest by the white man, but never MISERABLE.

Last, as I can see many people want to tarnish America’s glory, they forgot that white America is a composition of all the white European ancestry you can think, and maybe a distant relative.
Dec 23, 2007 20:06
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Thanks for your information, Carlos. It is a great speech.

"In today’s living the suffering and pains of the Native American Indian is use extensible by non-natives and foreigners to advance their agenda, most of the time the agenda it self have nothing to do with the Native people of America, but a lot to do with peoples rejection of the American political, economical, social and military power."

JC, I agree with you that sometimes there is a hidden agenda. Well, I have no political agenda when I mentioned this disreputable episode. I talked about America's suffered and the pangs of Chinese coal miners. No political motive!

"American Natives do not go around asking for crocodile tears from others." I am not sure if the Native Indians take all compassionate tears as "crocodile tears" and I am not sure if the descendents of American Indians felt very proud of their contribution to the nation's economic development. Perhaps, they would feel thay way.However, it is a truth that the Indians were unwilling to be driven to the Reservations. They were driven by force. American Natives shed endless blood and tears in defending their freedom.

"As I can see many people want to tarnish America’s glory, they forgot that white America is a composition of all the white European ancestry you can think, and maybe a distant relative."

Who do you refer to? British, Finnish, French, or German? I don't find any body trying to tarnish America's glory. Undeniably, America deserves much credit for its greatness. America's great achievement in developping science, technology,economy and its democracy is good model for the rest of the world to follow. However, it has its own frailty no matter how minor or significant it is. Remember, America like every other countries has both glory and dishonor. There is no controversy that American white is a distant relative of its European counterparts. In China, we have a saying that you should not dote your children by sheltering their wrongdoings. Otherwise, you won't be a good parent.

Dec 24, 2007 10:06
  • JCNILE123
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American Natives carry not grouches against the white man as many pretend to present history.
American Natives are proud Americans.
I stand by every word I wrote.
Dec 25, 2007 02:01
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>>American Natives carry not grouches against the white man as many pretend to present history.
American Natives are proud Americans. I stand by every word I wrote.<<

JC, it seems to me that this is a sentimental expression. May I take the liberty to ask where you are living? Perhaps,you have a close contact with the American Natives. To be frank, I have never got so close to the American Natives in the Real World,so I am uncertain about how proud the descendents of Americans feel. I acquired the knowledge from documentaries and research papers both from American institutes and other countries.

Dec 25, 2007 05:41
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Sorry, did not mean to begin a new Indian war. Only compared two writings with each other, how I did feel about them.
Chief Seattles speech is all about nature. If want, can find other dimencions, but I take it that way.

Dec 25, 2007 08:15
  • JCNILE123
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In today’s living the suffering and pains of the Native American Indian is use extensible by non-natives and foreigners to advance their agenda, most of the time the agenda it self have nothing to do with the Native people of America, but a lot to do with peoples rejection of the American political, economical, social and military power.
American Natives, for the great part do not go around asking for pity and compassionate words of condescending, American Natives know well their place in history, and with dignity accept it.
More over, today days America is the nation of opportunity to all, it is up to you to take the opportunity and not only survive, but to prosper too.
Mentioning the American Natives as an example of tyranny and suffering it is a tyranny it self.
American Natives do not go around asking for crocodile tears from others.

Quote, (((West Movement is a history of Indian's blood and tears.)))
Yes, it is truth, but it is also truth, the white man suffered greatly on the hands of the Native, in equal terms as the Native warriors defended the land and the people.

Quote, ((((did he concentrate on the miserable life of Indians who were driven away to the Indian Reservations?)))
Very little, you know about a people with the red blood inside, American Natives became somber and discontented after the conquest by the white man, but never MISERABLE.

Last, as I can see many people want to tarnish America’s glory, they forgot that white America is a composition of all the white European ancestry you can think, and maybe a distant relative.
Dec 26, 2007 02:46
  • JOHNNY512
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(News from Xinhua) Party ousts mayor over Shanxi mine blast

Li Tiantai, the mayor of Linfen in north China's Shanxi Province, has been removed from his post as the city's deputy Party chief after being found responsible for a colliery accident that killed 105.
Li, who was also expelled from the city's standing committee of Communist Party of China (CPC), breached his duty of supervising the mine's work safety, the Shanxi provincial CPC committee said in a notice on Wednesday.

He will be replaced by Xia Zhengui, former mayor of Jincheng City, the notice said.
The provincial CPC committee also suggested to the People's Congress of Linfen, the city's legislature, to remove Li from the mayoral post.

Following the deadly explosion on Dec. 5 at Xinyao Coal Mine, Hongtong County, Linfen City, colliery managers were found to have delayed reporting the accident to local authorities.
The incident was believed to be the nation's second deadliest mining accident this year. In August, 181 miners died when heavy rain flooded two mines in eastern Shandong Province.

Li issued a public apology about one week after the explosion, saying "the tragedy, which made it hard for him to sleep, had revealed security loopholes in the city's coal mining industry".
Police detained 36 people allegedly linked to the accident, including mine owner Wang Donghai. Shanxi Province also ordered all illegal coal mines to close in response to the fatal mine explosion.
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