Have you noticed this phenomenon?
Dec 24, 2007 09:51
  • JCNILE123
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Quote, (((Yes, the look is not very important. If the look will not make one feel sick, that's ok.
The manner, merit, characteristics and concerns matter much. I think in most eyes of girls, the handsome guys are not very reliable and considerate. They tend to be selfish and proud of themsevles.)))

Very logic view, I agree with you 100%.
Dec 25, 2007 19:55
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Quote: I think in most eyes of girls, the handsome guys are not very reliable and considerate. They tend to be selfish and proud of themsevles.

I didn't read it carefully. I am not girl and I don't have my say on this issue. But I think that there must be some exceptions.

Do you know how boys think about pretty girls? Some pretty girls are not reliable, considerate and selfish too. When I was chatting with my friends, they tell me that they won't find a very pretty girl as their wife in the future though they are dreaming of having a pretty girl. Strange? Yes. Why? Because they think that pretty girls are unsafe. Moreover, people have become very practical in today's world. If you couldn't make your pretty live happily and comfortably, they might leave you one day. I guess that girls also have the same feeling toward those handsome boys----they are not safe.
Dec 26, 2007 18:26
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There you go! That answered the question why beautiful people can’t be together. They both think they are unsafe. O_o

Funny thread. LOL!
Dec 26, 2007 20:46
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Quote: That answered the question why beautiful people can’t be together. They both think they are unsafe.

SHEGOTTOBE, it is just my understanding. Perhaps, there must be some other reasons.
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