Do you have such a person in your heart?
Dec 18, 2007 21:21
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Do you have such a person in your heart? He (She) is your 'special friend'. If you were unhappy, you would be willing to tell him or her your unhappiness and he (she) would comfort you. If you are very happy, you would be eager to share your happiness with him or her. If you were sick, he (she) would show his or her greetings or take care of you. If you lose contact with him or her for a while, you would be worried about him (her) and miss him (her). If he (she) is sick, you would be very worried. For you, he (she) is more than a friend. Sometimes, you might imagine: if he (she) were your BF or GF, that would be better. However, this is just imagination. You understand that it is better to be friends because you have a boyfriend or girlfriend who loves you very much. If you have such a person, please cherish the relationship with him or her.

This is an article that I read and I tried to translate it into English. What do you think of it? Do you have such a person in your heart?
Dec 19, 2007 05:47
Other than my future wife Jing, I would have to say my friend Nina who also happens to be Jings best friend too, Nina is without doubt my special friend and I know she looks upon me in the same way.
Dec 19, 2007 12:02
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"Sometimes, you might imagine: if he (she) were your BF or GF, that would be better."

LOL, sometimes some people have imagined he IS my BF.

He is a friend from times ago. We share our joy, our sadness.

He has a GF, I have my lao po now. Lately he called me and said he sometimes feels a little empty now that we don´t meet as often as we used to. ( We also worked in same company) Sometimes I feel the same.

Funny, how we sometimes can find out we need something else than only the great love.

We still call daily, usually just to check everything is all right. Friendship? I think so, yes.

Dec 19, 2007 19:48
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I have a very good friend who is the closest to what I would call an ideal man. It’s like he has all the qualities that I could ever want in a man. He’s kind, caring, dedicated, hardworking, loyal, dependable, understanding, etc. He’s not very goodlooking, just average, not very tall, not even fashionable and he is far from being rich. In fact, I make more money than him. ^_^”

What impressed me the most about him is that he was always there and always had the time to help me at a time when I needed help. He had sacrificed a lot of time just to help me when he should be somewhere else. He would even insist on carrying stuff for me no matter how light or small. I have not met anyone who cared so much for someone who is not even related to him in anyway, without expecting anything in return. However, he has a girlfriend and he loves his girlfriend very much. I think another thing that impressed me was that he was very honest about that relationship and I have witnessed his devotion and loyalty to his girlfriend.

I never told him how I feel and I don’t have any plan to tell him. In fact, I can tell him almost anything except that. I decided that it is great that I have him as a friend. I don’t want to change anything. I am happy knowing he is happy with his girlfriend and that their relationship is going strong. I wouldn’t have it any other way because he is a man who deserves to have all the happiness in the world. Yes, there was a time when I thought it would be great if he is my boyfriend but I have accepted the fact the he won’t be mine. We haven’t seen each other for months now but we chat on Yahoo Messenger once in a while, just friends, nothing more to it.

I thought, if only I can find a man like that for myself. Oh, well.... :-(
Dec 19, 2007 19:54
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Sometimes, it would be better off for the two persons of opposite sex to be friends, rather than to be lovers (BF/GF). Many friends around me hold this belief. After a second thought, I think that this is very reasonable. Being friends, the two parties can enjoy a lot without much worries. In a love relationship, both parties become cautious out of considerate feelings. Love is kind of subtle. Anyhow, it is too intricate for me to make sense in a few minutes. Ouch, too tangled!
Dec 25, 2007 16:00
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I do have somebody like that but it would be my family. I really don't see any need for me to go to a person of the opposite sex to tell him all my troubles unless he is my boyfriend or husband.

I also have friends I trust enough to tell them these things, so, unless that guy was just someone who understood me through and through (which my sister or my friend can do just as well or even better), I would have no need to confide in a male.

- moondollars
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