Is a henpecked man a good man?
Dec 20, 2007 00:50
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As a man, would you like to be ruled by your wife?Or fellow ladies, do you expect to marry a man who obeys your directions all the time?

Very often, men picked on each other by saying that a man is henpecked.
Some men wanted to save their face in front of his buddies through defending that "it's the way they love their wives,and it will be good for the stabilization of family". Some men argued that if a man obey his wife all the time, he has a low status in the family. What do you think? BTW, is a woman who wants to control her husband a good woman?
Dec 20, 2007 19:36
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“Or fellow ladies, do you expect to marry a man who obeys your directions all the time?”

No, I might as well marry a robot. But I don’t want an abusive man who thinks he is the boss and that I should bow down before him either.

I just want a man who is principled yet secured in himself, kind and gentle, loyal, sensitive, caring, devoted, romantic, dependable…. Wait, somebody just emailed me that there is no man like that. No! It can’t be! I know that somewhere in the universe, he exists……. in Andromeda Galaxy maybe……. All I have to do is….


….. -_-

Ok, I think I will just marry a robot. O_o
Dec 20, 2007 20:52
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>>I just want a man who is principled yet secured in himself, kind and gentle, loyal, sensitive, caring, devoted, romantic, dependable…. Wait, somebody just emailed me that there is no man like that.

Ha! Shesgottobe, an ideal husband? Such kind of perfect male creature is probably on the verge of extinction. Maybe, we should be more practical. No man is frailty-free. This kind of man only exists in fairytale.
Dec 21, 2007 09:20
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"I just want a man who is principled yet secured in himself, kind and gentle, loyal, sensitive, caring, devoted, romantic, dependable…. Wait, somebody just emailed me that there is no man like that."

What?! Of course there are! I am just like that! And, by the way, because there has been so much talking about looks and succes, I must add that I am handsome and succesful, too, of course.

I know people who know me would not recognize me if someone would describe me like that, but I don´t mind, they know nothing!

What does henpecked mean?

Dec 21, 2007 10:20
I just want a man who is principled yet secured in himself, kind and gentle, loyal, sensitive, caring, devoted, romantic, dependable…. Wait, somebody just emailed me that there is no man like that. No! It can’t be! I know that somewhere in the universe, he exists……. in Andromeda Galaxy maybe……. All I have to do is….

He does exist, well almost and Jing is marrying him next month.he he
Dec 21, 2007 17:53
  • GRIZ326
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My brother is henpecked, but he stayed married and took care of his responsibilities. He is a good man; his wife may not be a good woman.

I am easy to please and easy to get along with but for some reason women are not content with that. They want to change me, perhaps they see my easy nature as weakness. But while I would give them the sun, moon and stars, as soon as they try to boss me around I become an unmovable object and they loose all that they had.
Dec 21, 2007 19:02
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Wahahah! Nice one, Carlos! Looks like you are an ultimate, perfect ideal man! Keep it up!

By the way, henpecked man means a submissive male or a husband who always says yes to his wife.

What a catch for Jing, Alan. ^_^

Heh. Things are looking up!
Dec 22, 2007 13:46
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Lol, can´t keep it up, sorry Shes...

Being perfect is hard work. I think I´ll return back to be myself, well, tomorrow.

No, after Christmas. Promise.

Dec 22, 2007 16:34
GUEST19233 I like men who are a little submissive. Maybe a man who has an older sister when he was growing up would have good skills with women, and also have respect for them. Personally, I am willing to act submissive around my husband in public in exchange for him helping me with chores around the house. Generally, I would give my husband face in front of his friends and make him look good, but he would have to treat me well when we are together.
Dec 22, 2007 21:57
  • JCNILE123
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I have pushed very hard my girl friend to take charge, I like a woman that knows what time it is.
To me a woman with power is a very attractive woman.
I have disdain for arrogance.
Moreover, do not admire a man with a skirt.
Yes, I have no problem with helping at home my self.
Dec 22, 2007 23:02
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Family is a car,
May be right hand driven or
left hand driven,
But need only one driver.
Do you think both can drive at the same time?
Have you think ever , what happen if both drive at a time ?

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