Chinese culture is becoming too western?
Jan 1, 2008 14:06
  • JCNILE123
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Yes, as people sit-down and thinks that the west influence have taken over China, China inaudibly have gone all over the world, and so, I must ask, who is he or she that can live with out a "made in China" at home?

Where can you go around the world, and not see a Chinese person, restaurant, Chinatown, or a store?
Must average non-Chinese individual around the world, is aware of at less one Chinese festival.

Who has not heard of Bruce Lee?
I predict that this is just the beginning.

China’s culture is on the loose, and we do not object to that.
We are not afraid of some Chinese influence on our lives.
Jan 1, 2008 18:54
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I never had a hard time finding souvenirs when I was in China. All I had to do was go to Peking University and I was able to get unique souvenirs that I couldn’t get in my place. Beijing Olympics souvenir shops are everywhere, too! I was able to get The Art of War by Sun Tzu, carved on a bamboo scroll from the Foreign Language Bookstore at Wangfujing. Incidentally, The Art of War has influenced and inspired a lot of western military generals, sportsmen and businessmen.

Since Philippines is very near to China geographically (only about 2 hours flight from Xiamen to Manila), we have a lot of Chinese influence there. Our history showed trading with the Chinese for centuries. We have a lot of Chinese in the Philippines. We also celebrate Chinese New Year there and we have a big China town in Manila. I had a lot of Filipino-Chinese classmates when I was in college. One of the best friends I had was a Filipino-Chinese nurse. Many of the big businessmen are Chinese. We have a few Chinese temples and traditional courtyards.

Here in America, my house is full of Chinese, Chinese-made goods, that is. Paper, printing, porcelain, compass and gunpowder were invented in China and the whole world has been using them long before everyone thought about becoming “westernized”. The world has actually turned Chinese without knowing it. ^_^
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