Do you trust in "internet love"?
Dec 29, 2007 00:55
  • LEOPOLD219
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A report from China's Xinhua News Agency says that "Internet love" has become popular among Chinese university students. "About 90 percent of Chinese university students regard "Internet love" as an effective way to satisfy their emotional needs, according to a survey by Northeast China Normal University."

"Internet love" is still in its infant period in China. Only unniversity students are open to "Internet love". The majority of elder Chinese has not
kept up their mind with time. However, this situation is changing. As I have observed here on this forum, more and more western men and Chinese women married. Many of them got to know each other through "chatting on the internet". Am I right about this?

There are also some pitfalls in internet love. Cheating occurs quite often. Do you trust in "internet love"? Anyway, "Internet love" needs a high degree of mutual trust.
Dec 29, 2007 02:07
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I am one of those western men, although I have a feeling that most western at this forum has met their wife "normally".

We did chat quite a long time before we met. During that time I found out I had began to have feelings for her. Maybe, if I any feelings had not come, I would never had flewn to meet her. No, not maybe, definitely would not had flewn.
So, I believe that part of internet love.

Could I satisfy my emotional needs in the internet? No. I believe no one can.
Finally everyone needs someone by side. "Internet love" is just a substitute to fill an emotional hole in young student´s life for a little time in their lifes.

People read this forum and write here too. Some spend more time, some less at this forum. "Chatting" here gives people something. This is not Google, not so very much information is looked here, although that is done too. People communicate here. Not online, but still people talk to each other here. So, maybe this forum gives people something emotionally.
Some of us open more than others. People express their feelings here, sometimes to people in this forum. Not love, but feelings. People feel joy for others happy moments they share here. People express their sympathies to others here.

So, "About 90 percent of Chinese university students regard "Internet love" as an effective way to satisfy their emotional needs, according to a survey by Northeast China Normal University."
I think that is true, as long as we are not talking about satisfying ALL emotional feelings from now to eternity.

Dec 29, 2007 02:16
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Oh, forgot to answer the question " do You trust in internet love?"

I would not "trust" in it, but IMO it doesn´t matter, because the person with whom have internet love does not exist in real world. He/she is only a product of imagination.
Some university boy´s dream girl can in reality be a 50yo man, who knows?

And if only satisfy emotional feelings, the way is not important, nor the "people" that exist in the other end of line.

Ok, there are cams and so on, so the situation is not exactly like that nowadays.

Dec 29, 2007 03:24
GUESTSUKKI People endure too much pressure and strain in the real life nowadays. But they are so
prideful of themselves, they don't wanna anybody know their weakness, sorrow or gloomy
mood, so they may pretend to be very cheerful and strong in front of the people around him.

One may get collapsed if he can't find a way to release these stress, therefore some people
choose sport, like playing balls, doing body exercise in the gym ect...Actually this is a very
effective way of relaxation. People can get refreshed throughly by sweating. Those people
leading a tight life, you may try it. ^_^

oh, okay, get back the track...some others choose chatting with net-friends. People who get known through internet, they don't know each other in the real life. They don't need to worry about too much. These net-friends won't bring them any pressure. They can expose their blind side in front of these friends freely. For this reason, it's usually like men to men and women to women talk.

It seems what I'm talking has nothing to do with the "love"...okay, I believe it. "Internet love" is a substitute to fill an emotional hole in youngster's life, right, finally everyone needs someone by side, so they will try to put this into the real world. At least the "Internet Love" shows the emotional harmony between them.

Personally I once had this "love" in my college life. It didn't last a long time, maybe just
because I'm a too rational gal. One is in the tip of North while the other in the tip of South, It's really hard to make determined. So I forgave, but after this feeling was cooled down by one year passed, we're still very good friends. It has been almost 6 years since we knew each other.

SO I am not so sure about the "Internet Love", but I am quite sure about the real care and
love from net-friends.
Dec 29, 2007 13:00
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I met my gf online through this very site. We have spent many an hour chatting and I finally met her face to face in september. My plans to move to China in a few years hasnt changed and I have made no rash decissions regarding our relationship. We are both happy to take our time so we can be sure it is the true love we feel it is.
Trust is a big part of any relationship and while I try hard to trust her it is difficult to know where she is and who with. I would never cheat on her and hope she feels the same.
For us internet love just happened, we didnt plan it but are grateful it has brought us together.
Dec 29, 2007 19:07
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Many people are not very forgiving of people finding love on the internet. There’s that stigma that you can’t find love on the real life that’s why you are looking for love on the internet. However, real life or not, love and life is a gamble. A lot of cheating occurs in real life, too, so it boils down to whether you trust the person or not. In real life, you cannot also guarantee that the person you thought was being real is real at all. A lot of people lie whether in real life or not. I think just like any love that started in real life, internet love should take a while before you can be sure it is real.

In real life, two people meet. If there is chemistry and love, they would start dating and be in a relationship. On the internet, two people meet, if there is chemistry and love, they would agree to meet and maybe start a relationship, granting that they are serious. If they are not serious, then it shouldn’t matter to both if they meet in real life or not.

Now, if I can just figure out why my Chinese friend who is a guy is using an image of a woman as an avatar... Anyone who can shed light on this is highly appreciated. ^_^”
Dec 29, 2007 20:27
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Quote: Now, if I can just figure out why my Chinese friend who is a guy is using an image of a woman as an avatar... Anyone who can shed light on this is highly appreciated.

Perhaps, he just wants to make fun of those boys who are looking for their love on the internet. Or he might have other purposes. The internet is a virtual world. There a young and delicate girl can be a fifty-year old lady. Also dinosaurs (it means ugly girls in Internet language) can pretend them as beauties. Just take care of yourself.
Dec 30, 2007 14:37
  • GRIZ326
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How will you feel if your virtual Internet wife has an affair with virtual Internet lover?
Dec 30, 2007 15:52
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Wow, Griz,
that is a difficult one! Would I just drop her and get a new one? Be jealous? Angry? Loose my trust in women?
It is hard for me to imagine what I would feel.
Maybe, if I was really serious about her, my feelings would be the same as in real life. don´t know...

Dec 30, 2007 18:20
  • JCNILE123
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I have my girl friend, other wise I will go for it.

Happy New Year 2008!

Dec 31, 2007 10:46
My met my first Chinese girlfriend Nina via the Internet, I was very pleased I did too, we developed a very good friendship over the last 4 or 5 years, she was only looking for friendship so she introduced me to my second girlfriend and then to Jing, so although the Internet love didn't quite work for me, I would trust it being a man it is safer for me.
I would be a little worried if my daughter was to fall in love via the Internet because she is too young and there are a lot of perverts out there.
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