Were you once cheated?
Dec 31, 2007 01:00
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The media reported that a poor man was going to crawl back home and he refused to take other people's help because he didn't get his money from his boss and his waist got hurt. Later, the police came and bought him train ticket to his hometown. After reading this piece of news, how is your feeling? Moved by it? I guess that most kind-hearted people are moved by it. Take care! He was just a swindler and knew how to make use of media and the public. He has cheated many kind-hearted people in different cities and provinces.

My friends, were you once cheated by such kind of guys? If so, will you offer your help to those people? We want to help them out of difficulties but they just take advantage of our kindness to make money. Whose fault is it? Shouldn't we help them?

Dec 31, 2007 03:28
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coincidently, just yesterday did something like this happen to me. Years ago when I would have to travel to a bad part of town to get some of the best Chinese food would there be this homeless man who would walk a line of cars waiting at the red light pan-handling. Whenever I had change from my Chinese food I would hand it to him and he would politely say Thank You and be on his way up the road. Now that times have changed and the Chinese establishment has raised there prices, I rarely have any spare change left and so I don;t have any leftover for him these days BUT just yesterday as I was north from this location in the better part of town did I run into the same guy SHOPPING. There are scam artists and there are sincere people who really do need help but its hard to discern from the two as some of us feel really bad if our roles were reversed.
Dec 31, 2007 06:09
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At GZ airport, waiting for flight to Nanning, I was outside smoking my cigar and minding my own business, as they say. A lady, about 50 yo, came to me and asked for money. She looked a little starving, so I did some digging in my pockets. I gave her 10 Yuan bill. I thought she can buy herself a dinner. After thinking the money, it is only one euro, I felt a little ashamed not giving more, until I saw other man giving her money too. Afterwards I did some calculating and noticed that if she gets 10 Yuan from 10 people a day, she gets more money than my wife gets from her work.

I lost only one euro, but felt cheated anyway.

Dec 31, 2007 15:57
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You know, if I was in the same position as you were in Carlos I would have did the same because it would have been only about 1.30 American for me but when you put it that way, she makes 5 times more than my relatives there in GZ in a day.
Dec 31, 2007 17:51
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Sorry, guys, but you weren't cheated; you were fooled. Big difference. Cheated is where someone promises you A and delivers B...fooled is where you think that A is B.

Jan 1, 2008 13:20
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Yea, WCTMAN, now I feel like a fool too, thanks, hehe.

Jan 1, 2008 13:40
  • JCNILE123
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He, he, Carlos is it sense of humor or it is the New Year?

Any way, it happens to all of us some times or many times.

Important thing is that we have the forum, where we learn to be China wise as we make China our second home country, because of our relation to our girl friend/wife.

I most confess that I have been there too.

After reading this thread, I am laughing; what else can we do?
Jan 1, 2008 19:00
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It wasn’t a ‘pity poor me’ who got me but a taxi driver when I was in Beijing. He switched my two real 100 yuan bills with two fake 100 yuan bills.

I am kind of naïve sometimes, always assuming that people have good intentions, always assuming that they are good people unless proven otherwise. Let’s just say that I don’t go about my daily life thinking someone is out to get me. *sigh*

It was a lesson learned. I paid 200 yuan for the lesson. LOL!

Charged to experience. >_<
Jan 1, 2008 20:10
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Shesgottobe I had a bad experience too with a 'taxi driver' when I was in China this summer. You can read all about it in Travel Q&A 'Tell Others you Travel Traps', pg. 7.

BTW what is it exactly that you've "Got-to-be"? :)

Jan 2, 2008 22:36
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I think you should help the people that deserve to be helped, like the orphans, people in nursing homes, persecuted Christians, and persecuted people around the world. I wouldn't bother with people like this in the article. There are so many other people in this world that need real help.

- moondollars
Jan 2, 2008 22:54
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"Shesgottobe I had a bad experience too with a 'taxi driver' when I was in China this summer. You can read all about it in Travel Q&A 'Tell Others you Travel Traps', pg. 7.

BTW what is it exactly that you've "Got-to-be"? :)"

Thanks, Canadaguy! I think I read that thread before but I will go and read it again.

It was just a play on the usual “I’d rather be fishing/boating”. For me, it’s something like “She’s got to be traveling/reading/sleeping/cooking/hiking.” \m/ ^_^ \m/

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