What do you think of UN's role in maintaining peace in 21st century?
Jan 6, 2008 23:15
  • JCNILE123
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This can well be judged by the people of Africa whom were helped by the UN when they were starving under the open sky with no hope of life. In numerous other natural disasters UN remained as the only hope.
In its fifty year old history UN has atleast communicated well the message of peace and tranquillity to every corner of the world. There are some problems in the system but this can be corrected through a determined approach. Perhaps this is the biggest characteristic of a human being that he achieves success over the difficulty.
Jan 6, 2008 23:22
  • JCNILE123
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Leopold, I certainly see the UN as the blind leading the blind.
Jun 17, 2008 01:02
GUEST64142 These problems are demanding a real role played by the UN for the establishment of an enhanced peace in the areas. UN undoubtedly need more power and a firm determination. It is only that the problems spread in front of her could be redressed on permanent basis. Every nation-state of the world whether small or big, rich or poor need to cooperate with UN in her efforts in maintaining peace and tranquillity.
No matter how much the UN is criticized for its so far performance, no sane person can fully deny the great services of this Organization for the betterment of humankind.
Jun 17, 2008 17:06
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A retired famous Television news personality came out of retirement a few years back to make a news program. He pointed out that EVERY part of the world that UN Peacekeepers had been sent to still has UN Peacekeepers. Not one hotspot was safe enough to withdraw the troops. If they were to leave, fighting would break out again.
Does this resolve issues? Do this just postpone the violence?
The UN is certainly a forum for all countries representatives to be heard on issues but many think it is run by professional beurocrats rather than problem-solvers.
Jun 17, 2008 23:16
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"Ditto" on the poor performance of the UN in Africa.
But yes, the organization has more +'s than -'s in the total scheme of things.
Jun 18, 2008 21:41
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Actually, we might have been too hard on UN. In many cases, UN is powerless. UN has more determination than real power. UN spending(budget) is highly dependent on its major contributors: US, Japan and European powers.
UN's activities such as its its Peacekeeping Missions and Programmes needs money. In recent years, the late payment practices and US conditions on UN activities have incured financial difficulties for UN. UN funds come in two ways:mandatory contributions and voluntary contributions. The voluntary contributions, accounting for more half of the UN funds, is usually closely tied to national interests. Member states care for their own national interests. Imagine: if the activities and programmes don't favor their national interests, would they be willing to give voluntary contributions?
UN actually was in a very embarrassing position in handling crisis. UN needs more real power.
Dec 27, 2008 06:52
GUEST51727 United nation to whom we trust the most is showing us a poor result on every activity in which it is working.I can't understand by providing clothes to street kid or giving shelter to poor's not a solution by the way it should protect rights not social affair.I am dissapointed.i have written more on
Dec 27, 2008 23:47
GUESTITS BIASED ROLE - that's what the UN has been doing for years, a so-called legal body sanctioning illegal military adventurism of the US and UK in their aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan and other countries.
Mar 10, 2009 11:12
GUEST20251 are there boundaries in UN's role in maintaining world peace?..
Mar 25, 2009 01:17

The UN has backed Western powers especially the US/ UK in attacking and invading Iraq, Afghanistan to remove the government in power.

Using the pretext of "the enemy has WMDs"; together with their assumption of Islamic terrorists who attacked US institutions, the Western powers led by the US and UK attacked and brought down governments of both countries.

The UN is a tool of the Western countries; how on earth can they "maintain peace"?
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