What do you think of UN's role in maintaining peace in 21st century?
Mar 25, 2009 20:32
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Can we assume then Guesthan that Sadam Insane did not use nerve and mustard gas on the Kurds and on Iran and did not invade Kuwait.
My understanding is that both Kuwait and the Saudis asked for UN assistance.
As to Afghanistan;. Their government has been elected by the people. Foreign troops are there at the invitation of that government to help prevent it returning to the stone age.
“Using the pretext of "the enemy has WMDs"; together with their assumption of Islamic terrorists who attacked US institutions, the Western powers led by the US and UK attacked and brought down governments of both countries”
What ever you do, don’t let the real facts get in the way of your ideology.
Perhaps all these suicide bombers are Jews pretending to be Muslims and the CIA stages all the beheadings that appear on Youtube.
It’s a shame that Monty Python isn’t still making films. It would make a great sketch.
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