Girls love 'bad' boys?
Jan 4, 2008 00:34
  • KEVIN0518
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Have you ever heard of this? Usually, girls love those guys who are 'bad'. Why? They usually know how to flatter their girls. They know how to create romance. They know when to say some 'sweet words' to their girl. Moreover, they are very humourous and always can make them laugh happily. Sometimes, they might do some cheatings to you, smoke, drink or fight with some guys. On contrary, those good guys don't smoke, drink let alone fight with others. They usually hide their love in their heart deeply. For them, responsiblity and honesty is the priority. They don't know how to create romance, how to flatter you and how to say ' sweet words'. How is your feelings with those guys? Would you like to choose a 'bad' boy or 'good' boy to be your boyfriend?
Jan 4, 2008 08:33
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Girls love bad guys, marry good guys, cheat their husband with bad guy, lol.
A circle unsolved.

Jan 4, 2008 09:02
  • JCNILE123
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The real bad boys see girls or woman in general as just a piece of meat.
Fake bad boys can be just many things, like unsuccessful individuals (losers), like the guy that can never land a date.
On the other hand, the ones that are one thing during the day and other during the night, I think these are more dangerous, because people never know who they are, at what time.
I think of the last ones as human predators.
Jan 4, 2008 15:27
GUEST31314 i learned some hard lessons about bad boys before... Basically if you want to find a "keeper", look for the ones whose actions match their words. A "player" or also known as a bad boy knows how to talk the talk, may be very handsome and charming, but when it comes to his actions, they are not caring or sensitive. He can attract a lot of girls at the same time, by charming them the same time he charms you, but remember to walk away quickly, after you've had your initial fun, because when you look back, you'll wonder why you spent so much time with someone who doesn't really care about you.

i liked bad boys for a while, because they are often *intelligent*, good talkers, good dancers, and quite charming. In a way, they have emotional intelligence that can surpass that of more sincere, and less attractive men. However, i didn't enjoy being manipulated and lied to, or dealing with the other girls that he flirted with regularly and strung along. He drove me crazy, and what started off as good friendship became so bitter, that we don't talk to each other anymore. Do I like bad boys? Sure, I like to look at them, maybe superficially, but not engage with them in a real relationship. There are nice guys out there who are just as smart and handsome, but they are genuine from the bottom of their heart.

Jan 4, 2008 20:04
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I never understood the allure of bad boys. The word ‘bad’ alone is enough to make me sprint away faster than an Olympic triathlete. I like having a peaceful life and a peaceful mind, so I pretty much know what I want and what I don’t want. A sense of humor is good to have but if he doesn’t have one, at least he should know how to express himself because I am not a mind reader. O_o Flowers, chocolates, diamonds, designer items and other material things don’t do it for me. If I want them, I’ll just buy them myself. LOL! Material things are cheap. I want things that money can’t buy. I don’t thrive on flattery. Sweet words are great but they should be backed up by actions. ^_^

However, it takes a while to know someone. A ‘good boy’ could very well be a ‘bad boy’ once he sheds his mask. Once you realize this and you still have some self-respect left in you, run, don’t walk!
Jan 5, 2008 01:18
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I have had some really attractive female friends who I have known since childhood and I never understood why they were always attracted to that type of instability, its like those mysteries that can't be solved.

JCNILE123, I was wondering, where was that picture taken?
Jan 5, 2008 11:04
  • JCNILE123
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Destruckudoz, it is from GZ I do not remember the name to the city street; however, it is one of the pedestrian’s only streets.
Jan 5, 2008 15:14
GUEST31314 i believe the reason girls like bad boys is because they want someone strong (i.e. someone they can't control, and who can wow them). but they mistake the "badness" for strength.
Jan 7, 2008 21:22
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If that is true, it will be too bad. I don't know how to create romance, when to say sweet words and I am not humourous at all. What's more, I don' smoke, drink and fight. To be honest, I haven't fought with anyone since I was in school. Sooooo bad.

Quote: Girls love bad guys, marry good guys, cheat their husband with bad guy, lol.
A circle unsolved.

Carlos, very interesting.
Jan 22, 2008 03:28
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It is true that girls like humourous and romantic guys. Why? They know how to make them happy. I don't like those guys who drink and smoke. Smoking not only hurts himself but me. Of course, I don't want to be beaten by a drunk guy.
Jan 22, 2008 05:40
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I once met a girl who I was infatuated with. I thought at the time that she was the most beautiful woman that I had ever met. She then stared to go out with a “Bad boy” It broke my heart, and after a short time he broke her heart.
After all of these years I will never understand the thoughts of a woman.
He was just after a trophy and I was trying to find love. Dodger, 0…Bad Boy, 1.
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