What do you love about China?
Jan 4, 2008 01:04
  • BBQQ
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As I have participated in this forum for a long time, I observed that there are many "China-lovers" on this forum. Despite that I can feel that most members have an affection for China, I am still confused about what attributes of China allure you. As a Chinese, I don't why so many foreigners are interested in China. Is it due to its fast-growing economy? Or its culture? Or the Chinese people? Personally, I am proud of China, because I am a little drop of this big pool. In other words, you won't feel surprised because my affection for China is kind of national pride.My admiration for China is like a kid's love for his/her mother. It is quite natural. Well, what about you guys.You don't have connection with China by blood. What do you love about China? Do you love China because you have a Chinese GF or BF? Is it like the saying: "love me, love my dog"?
Jan 4, 2008 01:33
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哈哈 我不喜欢你的狗!!! :-)

Why do I love china?? (I'll try to keep this short)

On my first day of Chinese class I was only 12. The first thing we did was to learn some characters and basic history. At first, I was (and still am) immensely impressed by the Chinese language. It is a wonderful, wonderful language. In English you can read a book about a cat, out loud in front of hundreds, and maybe you don't even know what the meaning of the word 'cat' is. In chinese, you don't know 猫 unless you have already learnt it BUT you do know it belongs to the animal family because of it's radical. The logic in the language made sense to me. I fell in love with it. Truth be told, in high school I was a naughty student. I was usually the one in trouble for talking. In Chinese class however I was always a top student. What I have just told you in a very small part of why I love China. The other part, the greater majority is indeed it's vast and magnificent history. From the Warring states period right through until now, Chinese history is amazing. Growing up in Australia history is something that is very taboo... If we talk about our 'settlement' history or 'white history' then for most states we were settled by convicts and beggars hoping to make a new life for themselves. We do have a 60,000 yo Aboriginal history here though there is no great respect towards them nor are we educated in great detail about them. Comparing the history of my country to the history of China would be like comparing a mice to a dragon. I do however love my country, I am a patriot and I look into our future with same passion that I look into China's past.

I also, genuinely feel empathy to the nation of China. The opium wars (鸦片战争) and their outcomes were beyond unjust and unreasonable. Undoubtedly the 'West' took advantage and exploited China. It grew an illegal substance (Illegal to smoke in both China and Britain at the time) in India, sold it against the nations law and refused to obey Chinese Law on Chinese soil. Even when acts of Murder were committed by British Merchants and Sailors. The opium wars allowed for the treaty's to take place which crippled the Chinese economy for at least a Century. These treaty's included the handing over of Hong Kong and also Extra-territorial rights to 5 major Chinese ports including Shanghai (hence the Bund). The west still exploit China with it's cheap cost to manufacture but disregard to workers rights, enviromental rights etc... yet when it comes to Chinese civil rights the West is vocal. This is another reason why I love China. China is still a passive country despite so much injustice.
These are just my views. They could well be wrong. I do really love China though and I wish China all the best in 2008 :-)

Jan 4, 2008 01:36
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P.S. I will be there in 20 days!!!!

Jan 4, 2008 04:57
Unlike Nicholas I didn't learn Chinese at school, I wish I had the option though, I like China because of watching my various videos and dvd's of Jackie Chan etc etc and having been to Hong Kong in 1988,
I love the culture and visited China in 2006, and met the love of my life.
And to beat Nicholas, I will fly there in 6 days!!!!
Jan 4, 2008 08:27
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It happened again, I´m out of adjectives.
I love Chinese people. Before I had a picture Chinese would be like stone; no show feelings. My wife´s family and her friends, and about all with whom I have been in touch, have been really polite, open, friendly and helpful. The way I was taken to my wife´s family was confusing. I did feel comfortable with them, although could communicate with them only with my wife´s help.

I have seen only a very, very little about China. Every time I learn about culture there, I same time learn I haven´t learnt too much yet. I am very curious about China, about Chinese culture, but at the moment I must say I love China because of its people.

Sadly I can´t compete with You Nick and Alan, I will fly there in July or Aug, but
我也是愉快的, because within 2 months my Qiong will fly here.


Jan 4, 2008 09:45
  • JCNILE123
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I love Chinas nature and beauty!

Jan 4, 2008 11:58
  • GRIZ326
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The happiness you can see in the people - knowing how difficult their road has been. In many ways China is similar to visiting a holy shire like Knock or Fatima where you can see the faithful filled with hope and belief even though many are facing their darkest hours.

In the cities of modern China, this admirable Chinese characteristic is not nearly as visible as in the countryside.
Jan 4, 2008 21:12
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My personal interest in China doesn’t have anything to do with China’s economy. I don’t have a Chinese husband or bf so it can’t be that, certainly not because of the women because as far as I know I’m still attracted to men. LOL!

1. China is very close to my home country. Xiamen is just 2 hours flight from Manila, hence, we have a lot of Chinese people there. When I flew from Xiamen to Manila, the passengers were 95% Chinese. Somebody said you can swim to Taiwan from the nearest island. >_<

2. My native country has a long history of relationship with China. We had traded with China as early as 9th century. Even today, there are a lot of native Chinese who goes there just to sell stuff especially on the Christmas holidays. We have a lot of people, prominent or simple citizens in our society who have Chinese ancestry. I have studied and worked with them. Our first female president was of Chinese ancestry, from the Fujian province. I have a lot of Chinese friends, overseas and native, male or female long before I even set foot in China.

3. My native culture has more similarities than differences with the Chinese culture. We practice the same respect and care for our parents and elders. We value family and friends above all else. We have the same staple food which is rice. We have adapted a lot of Chinese cuisine as our own. We even have some words in our language which are of Chinese origin.

4. We are of the same Asian origin, if that makes sense. When I was in China, it’s like being with brothers and sisters, or finally seeing a long, lost friend. It is a part of me and I am a part of it.

5. Foremost, my paternal grandmother is Chinese, so yea, I have some connection with China by blood. Believe it or not, I have some Chinese blood running through my veins. I don’t think I look Chinese but I kept being mistaken for a Chinese when I was there. My father can easily pass for a Chinese though. When I was in China, it’s like my father is everywhere! O_O

Of course, I love the cultural/historical places and natural environment, but they come secondary to the reasons I listed above. Actually, China is not the only country I am interested in but that’s another matter. ^_^
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