Tang Wei in eyes of her acquaintances
Mar 9, 2008 22:00
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Hehe, Shesgottobe, you lag behind. The movie was premiered in USA. You missed it? I think the uncut DVD version is till available in USA. In China. most uncut ones are pirated copies.
Mar 10, 2008 03:34
GUEST24066 It is a pornographic movie with the sex actions in details.
Don't know what message Lee Ang is trying to pass on to movie goers with this film. It doesn't carry a good message & should be banned indeed. It's good only for its sexual scenes. Not rating it highly.
Only Taiwanese like it, I suppose.
Oct 18, 2008 06:11
I finally got to see what the fuss was about, I got it on DVD, I have to say she looks stunning, not the best story line though.
Jun 3, 2011 02:52
GUEST4697 Due to this movie, Tang Wei has been "sealed". She has played in some other movies after Lust, Caution but all her scenes in the movies were cut off. Very soon, the Founding of A Party will be shown in China. Tang Wei performs as Chairman Mao's first love. As before, all scenes about her role has been cut off too.
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