Power comes from the barrel of a gun
Sep 30, 2009 19:44
GUEST35147 The recent events in Iran illustrate that those with the power (according to Mao that is those with guns) will always dominate those without power / guns. I would much like to believe otherwise (i.e. the "good" Iranians, i.e. those without power / guns) will prevail because they are "good" but, sadly, the events in Iran suggest the opposite is true. I want to live in a world where right triumphs over might. Sadly, that is delusional.
Oct 29, 2009 08:50
GUESTTONY Yes, it is very true, that power comes from the barrel of a gun. Oppresive countries rule by the power of the gun, with an unarmed citizenry. That is why our founding fathers saw the importance of the Second Ammendment. We the people are the government and we the people have the constitutional right to bear arms so as to keep an oppresive government in check. An unarmed citizen is in bondage. !
Nov 12, 2009 20:52
GUESTRIPPER How true! Look at the great democratic USA who used their military might to bomb and kill hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan - Americans sure can be proud of these mass killings of people.
Nov 21, 2009 01:58
GUESTANINDYA... This is totally true when taken figuratively. The modern world has become so indisciplined that the only way to structure out peoples' lives is to put a bit of fear in them. A well regulated balanced life more often than not comes under fear. The people who teach the art of living can take a cue from this.
Forcing often leads to good results.
Feb 28, 2024 08:28
GUESTDARRICKRAW Hello Guys, Glad to Join! :)
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