Is it possible to attend your ex-girlfriend’s wedding?
Jan 11, 2008 00:47
guestbruce Hey, I am new here. A friend of mine face a dilemma: his first lover broke up with him a year ago, now his ex-girlfriend invited him to attend her wedding. My friend said he doesn’t want to attend her ex-girlfriend’s wedding because he will feel embarrassed, shamed and depressed. However, he said he still loved her girlfriend and he had once promised to her: “if you marry another man, please tell me. I will give my best wish to you forever.” My friend was lost and asked me for help. I have totally no idea about it, I never encountered such a dilemma. Can anyone offer some help? If your ex-girlfriend invites you to attend her wedding, is it possible for you to go to the wedding banquet?
Jan 11, 2008 00:54
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It would hurt but if it was me I would go.
Your friend needs to understand she clearly doesnt love him and so there is no future for him.
If she had any feelings for him she wouldnt be getting married to another man so quickly, 1 year is very short time.
Jan 11, 2008 08:47
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If she had any real feelings for him she would not expect him to attend her wedding either.

Tell him about her plans to marry perhaps but I don't understand why he would want to go anyway.

Does he plan to continue a platonic relationship with her after her marriage????

What about her fiancée's feelings?????

Time to move on............
Jan 11, 2008 17:15
  • GRIZ326
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This actually happened to me. A woman I met and fell in love with in 1975 and still love to this day invited me to her wedding in 1992. Our relationship changed from lovers to friends in the mid-80s, but it was still awkward. The two of us decided that because her husband is very jealous I should not attend.

I question the sort of evil games this woman might be playing.
Jan 11, 2008 17:44
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boy told girl if she married, she should inform him, meaning boy loves girl.

one year later, girl informed boy she was engaged and invited him to attending wedding, meaning girls still have strong feelings for this boy.

how did this modern Romeo and Juliet happen, is there any hidden hindrance. if there is not, this girl is sick mentally.
Jan 11, 2008 21:33
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I’m with Jabarootoo and Davec on this,” If she had any feelings for him she wouldn’t be getting married to another man so quickly, 1 year is very short time”.
“If she had any real feelings for him she would not expect him to attend her wedding either.”
I hate people playing mind games with me and this would have to be some type of game and one of the cruelest IMO.
Jan 12, 2008 08:11
  • JCNILE123
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After one year she is marring some one else.
Then she also is inviting him to her wedding.

I think, she wants to castigate him one last time, period.

The question is, is him getting what him deserves? Maybe yes, maybe not.

Real women always want a real man to marry to, and not just a nobody.

Maybe she invited him to show him how big of a looser he is?
Jan 12, 2008 13:24
GUEST23137 I don't think he should go to the wedding. When it comes to relationships or friendships, he can ask himself, "Am I happy seeing this person or talking with them?" If he is not happy, then he does not need to attend her wedding. Besides, she sounds selfish and has no consideration for his feelings, because if she cared about him she would realize that this would hurt him tremendously, and not invite him. Anyways, she is starting a new life with a new guy and after that chances are slim that they will be platonic friends anyways. If he goes to her wedding, he will feel awkward, left out, and there is no real purpose for him to be there.
Jan 12, 2008 21:58
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Quote: However, he said he still loved her girlfriend and he had once promised to her: “if you marry another man, please tell me. I will give my best wish to you forever.”

Lesson of the story: Do not promise anything unless you mean it and you know you can do it. >_<
Jan 13, 2008 19:12
GUEST521 I have a similar experience with you. At that time, I once said: if you marry with another man, please tell me. I will wish you forever. With the time by, I got a new place and entered a new environment; I am filled with new things and new feelings. The things happened to me goes so far that I forgot what happened before even. It's not important whether she tell me when and where she will marry. But I will wish them from the bottom of my heart.
Jan 14, 2008 19:46
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I am with Shegottobe. The man has made a promise to her ex-girlfriend. Definitely he should keep his promise. Loss of love is not a humiliated thing. A brave and optimistic man should be magnanimous. You friend should go to the wedding and pray for his ex-girlfriend.
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