Is he silly?
Jan 14, 2008 20:48
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According to the news, a taxi driver in Chongqing who kept one passenger's 1000 yuan for his own tried to end his life by jumping the river but failed. Why did he suicide? The news said that he couldn't bear the spiritual pressure and was frequently woken up by nightmare at night. Moreover, he thought that he was unforgivable. He told the newpaper that suicide was the best way to free him. Compared with those corrupted officials, that taxi driver was noble-minded. The news says that many corrupted official pretend to regret in the court to avoid harsh punishments. Some even imitate others. How ridiculous!

What do you think of this taxi driver? Is he silly or not? The picture shows: " I can't forgive myself!".

Jan 15, 2008 17:04
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Suicide is not a good thing and I know from experience.

It is seen as a quick way out of a problem for someone but really they just need help and comfort. They dont realise the problems they cause for the people left behind.

They are not silly but need help and soon.
Jan 15, 2008 18:40
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How on earth did he end up with the passenger’s 1000 yuan? Did the passenger left it in the taxi and he kept it?

To put this behind him, maybe he can try to return the money to the owner. If he can’t find the owner, maybe he can use the money towards a better cause, like he could feed the hungry during the Spring Festival or whatever.

Yea, suicide is not the answer. He can still make amends.
Jan 16, 2008 03:09
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Quote: How on earth did he end up with the passenger’s 1000 yuan? Did the passenger left it in the taxi and he kept it?

SHESGOTTOBE, I don't know how he dealt with 1000 yuan because the news didn't say it. For question No.2, the answer is 'yes'. To use the money towards a better cause is a good idea. Perhaps, he might be free from his guilty.

Quote: They dont realise the problems they cause for the people left behind.

Yes, Davec. if he commits suicide, how about his wife, child and his parents? To live is not for yourself but for other people who love you. You should be responsible for them.
Jan 16, 2008 03:50
  • AL32
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I called this a tad extremist and impulsive.
And yes, I had the same answer as She: he could have donated it to charity if there was no way to find the origanl owner.

Oh well, very interesting to read and to think about though.
Is it nice to see that 'noble-minded' people still exist and that everyone has not a goldfish mind when comes time for remorse.
Jan 16, 2008 03:56
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When somebody is in a state of mind to end their life they have already descended into hell. Perhaps the underling thought is to punish those close to them in the only way that they know how too. It is the ultimate punishment after all to have another person s death laid at your feet.
Jan 16, 2008 10:49
  • AL32
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Dodger, I couldn't help making a parallel between what you wrote and the corrupted officials that Jimmy talked about...: there are a lot of rich people in China with even more people at their feet dying of hunger and pollution. I hope some minds will change for the best; let's all pray for that. Oups!, I should like a preacher again!! LOL.
Jan 16, 2008 10:50
  • AL32
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not "should" but sound: sorry - for once I re-read all my post..except the last sentence...
Jan 16, 2008 18:57
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Quote: Jimmy,
When somebody is in a state of mind to end their life they have already descended into hell. Perhaps the underling thought is to punish those close to them in the only way that they know how too. It is the ultimate punishment after all to have another person s death laid at your feet.

Yes, Dodger. At that moment, they just want to end their lives.

"Perhaps the underling thought is to punish those close to them in the only way that they know how too."

Those who intend to punish their close to them by suicide are really fools. That you end your life surely punishes them severely. However, I just wonder if it is worth doing so. If you want to punish someone, you should cherish your life and live well. Then you have much time to find ways to punish them. It sounds that I am an extremist. Actually, I am not.

Jan 16, 2008 21:33
  • JCNILE123
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If it is truth, then you have a good man gone bad.

Perhaps he does not know about God's willingness to forgive, but do not do it again.
Jan 17, 2008 19:48
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Quote: If it is truth, then you have a good man gone bad.

Hehe, JC. Sometimes, we need to irritate somebody to ignite his hope to live.

"Perhaps he does not know about God's willingness to forgive, but do not do it again."

Well, I guess that he doesn't believe in christianity. Anyway, he was saved. Hope that he can understand that suicide can not solve his problem.
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