What makes a man?
Feb 3, 2008 03:10
  • AL32
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The road to becoming a real man is a long one. Boys will be boys... I'm sure we could find many other songs' lyrics to develop on the subject, but eh!, I think that I agree with all of you above and I would just like to add that the way a man treats his woman is a good indication of the man he really is.
Sadly, what I see in China as far as chinese men's respect towards women is not always nice. But again, I can not generalize from only what I hear and see. I don't see or hear about all those good guys at home taking good care or their wife (<-- or should I put the word in plurial here..hehe!!).
Maybe it is just the 'higher public tolerance' of chinese society that makes things look worst. And before someone asks me what I mean by that, I meant that I often see men push women around on the sidewalks and it doesn't seems to bother other people more than that. But then again (and I end with this), is physical abuse that much worse than 'publicly' hidden psychological abuse??
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