Easter in China
Mar 16, 2008 18:51
GUEST12311 Ellyse, do not blame Peter for his comments about the Great Wall keeping the Easter Bunny out. There is a famous advertisement for an internet company in Australia.

A child asks his father, "Why did they build the Great Wall of China?"

The Father not knowing the answer, lied saying, "It was built to keep the rabbits out, by Emperor Nasi Goreng!"

The point of the advertisement is that people should connect to the internet & get the correct answers. So Peter may have tried to be humourous but forgot that you would have no knowledge of this advertising campaign.

By the way, there several rabbit-proof fences built in Australia, thousands of kilometres long but only made of wire. To stop rabbit migration & other fences have been built to stop wild dogs. This is the basis for the silly claim.
Mar 17, 2008 00:05
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You've got my point wrong. I can't be bothered whether the Great Wall keeps the Easter Bunny out of China or not. However I was offended by his suggesting that I'm an unfortunate person, to be the subject of pity, just because I'm not Christian and cannot celebrate Easter. That's extremely arrogant and reeks of colonialism. Why must I be Christian instead of being able to practise whatever religion (or none) that I prefer?
Mar 17, 2008 06:32
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I would not describe Australia as filled mainly with christians. Religious allegiance and observance is practiced by a (noisy) minority.
Mar 20, 2008 22:28
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I wasn't implying that the Australian population is made up of a majority of Christians (imagine how depressing that would be!), but was stating that Christianity is the most popular religion of Australia. You only have to see the amount of Churches there to figure that one out. I am amused (and agree) about the noisy bit! I wish they would all just shut up and stick their noses back in the bible (or whichever book their religion demands they study) and stop poking it into the affairs of other people.
Mar 21, 2008 04:41
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"I wish they would all just shut up and stick their noses back in the bible (or whichever book their religion demands they study) and stop poking it into the affairs of other people."
I would've loved to say that, but I'm sure someone else would've told me that I'm horribly rude. Thanks for airing that.
Mar 21, 2008 05:46
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I don't mind people saying I am rude, as long as they acknowledge I am also being honest. One reason I like the Chinese culture is that they don't get hung up on the political correctness which has become crazy in so called "civilised countries". If you mean it - say it!
Apr 11, 2008 04:23
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Dear Barontwa - thanks very much for the history lesson .
i must admit that i thought Islam and other religions were imports into China.
you seem to know all about my country and its history do you then know of the diversity of our people and are you aware that the mayor of the city of Melbourne is John Soo - of Chinese origin and still speaks little english .

i visited China and found a wonderful country with fantastic people - i always go for a walk at 4am and did the same in China and i can only say i did not see many spectacular sun rises or sun sets .
i must say i have never seen such beautiful gardens .

i had the pleasure of visiting 13 major cities and i now have the pleasure of several Chinese friends who will stay at my home when they visit this country of mine later this year .

a little understanding goes a long way or so i have found

kind regards peter

Apr 11, 2008 10:06
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Hi Peter. Great to hear you enjoyed your trip. If you ever see a sunrise or sunset in China, take a photo, as they are a rare occurrence! The air is not clear like it is in Australia.

I didn't know your mayor spoke little English, but I have been to the Melbourne Chinatown before, and am aware of the Chinese influence in the city.

Hope you are tempted to return in the future.

Apr 11, 2008 13:31
GUESTAFRIEND "a little understanding goes a long way or so i have found"

Mr Peter, thank you for visiting China, We appreciate people like you... Thank you again and come back soon.

We the Chinese people like to show others kiness and respect.
Apr 12, 2008 06:26
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i love China and all her peoples very much - i am planning a trip back next year around the same time. when we arrived in Bei'jing the willow was just waking up and we had the pleasure of all the blossom trees and canola - just beautiful.
at home here in Australia i ponder a very old saying

"people who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

i have never attempted to offend anybody at all and least of all on this forum.

maybe one day people may understand that the easter bunny has nothing at all to do with Christianity - it is more to do with sharing easter eggs which are made of chocolate - the easter bunny has nothing what-so-ever to do with any religion at all but simply giving a gift of an easter egg -

if any reader of this little note is in X'ian would they mind sending me an email|pw39

the reason is that i did tai chi with a person at The Little Wild Goose Pagoda and promised to send a photo.
the email address i got is not entirely clear and although i have tried many times it returns undelivered. i would ask a "local" to confirm the address if that were possible.

China is the most beautiful land that i have visited and i think that is because the people are so marvelous and understanding . they allow me time to explain myself in Chinese and then we all have a great laugh because on most occasions my actions spoke clearer than my words.

love to all and regards

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