Bush sang an early goodbye to White House
Mar 12, 2008 04:30
  • JOHNNY512
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Did you have the honor to listen to President Bush's songs in his term? Last Saturday night, President Bush gave Americans a surprise. He sang sang an early goodbye to White House at the annual Gridiron dinner by taking the stage.

We don' t know how hard it is to be a President, but Bush seems to be really tired of political life. Bush sang a country song Green Green Grass of Home with a cowboy hat on his head. Bush sang of longing for his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and his dog Barney.

Although Bush sang slightly off key, the voices were quite touching. A lot of us envied Bush's prominent status. Maybe we are wrong. We need to hear Bush' voice: ( the lyrics)

"And there to meet me is my mama and my papa, down the lane I look and here comes Barney, heart of gold and breath like honey; it's good to touch the brown brown grass of home."

"For there's Condi and Dick( Cheny), my old compadre, talking to me about some oil-rich Saudi, but soon I'll touch the brown brown grass of home."

"That old White house is behind me, I am once again carefree, don't have to worry 'bout a crisis in Pyongyang. Down the lane I look, Dick Cheney is strolling with documents he'd been withholding; it's good to touch the brown brown grass of home."

Bush told the audience, which erupted in applause and gave him a standing ovation, that they had witnessed "the first and final performance of George Bush".

Pubic figures have their own untold hardship.

Mar 12, 2008 04:48
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The sooner her goes, the better for the world. What an idiot.
Mar 12, 2008 05:40
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Yup, this subject is going to generate some responses that are going to be, in my estimation, more negative than positive.
Mar 12, 2008 06:11
Don't beat about the bush, he he
Mar 12, 2008 10:04
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OOooo***** that was a good one Alan.
Mar 12, 2008 11:01
I'm not sure what Tom Jones would have thought about the words being changed to one of his
greatest hits?
He would probably say " it's not unusual ", he he
Mar 12, 2008 11:53
  • JCNILE123
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We the American people have the power to choose our leaders, and so we choose.
Remember America is a nation created by the ones that always were in disagreement with the land they come from mainly Europe.
So, it is a good signal that people like you have such a disdain for our American system, it remind us that we are a free powerful nation with no equal.
We the American have never asked for the approval of others to be what we are, and we the American people do not care if you have a horse for leader.

Just to bring some joy to your trouble heart, according to the last polls yesterday, John McCain is head to head with liberal socialist Obama, and ahead of left wing Hillary by 5 points.
In other words, we the American people very easily will choose John McCain as our president, if elections are today.

Sadly, for you dear friends, it is very possible you will have another republican in the white house.
A republican president is the best choice for America, against the dreams of dreamers like you.

I am happy, very happy because G Bush is ending his term as president of this great USA.
Nevertheless, I am happier because I have the opportunity to help with my vote to have John McCain to be the next USA president and so we continue the government by the conservatives and by that, we ensure our place as the leader nation of the world.

Ours is a government of the people, by the people.
Mar 12, 2008 13:10
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What a bitter sweet commentary to make and good points were made. John McCain would be a good president and besides he had to dodge bullets and knows the pitfalls of war. However, I will take exception to the implied assumption that only conservatives are good for the country and democrats are either socialists or liberal social misfits. But, that is what the USA is all about, and we can agree or disagree on political issues and not have our "butts" thrown in prisons, concentration camps or worse.
Mar 13, 2008 22:08
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Green Green Grass of Home, I like this country song. It is a pity that I can not hear the cowboy' s creaky voice. Good to hear that he sang slightly off Key. I am wondering how Elvis Presley and Tom Jones would feel if they watched Bush's perfomance.
Anyhow, good job, George. Finally he can speak up his true feeling. Goodbye George!
Mar 13, 2008 22:57
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He lead US people step out the shadow of 911 and US economy in his presidency , as a whole, is prosperous although economical cycle itself is in downturn. His casual manners earn him extra scores – a great Texas cowboy!
Mar 13, 2008 23:52
  • GRIZ326
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Thank you for a kind view of my country, MARRIE.

George Bush did a wonderful job for the USA after 9/11. He made many mistakes, but for leading the USA through the trauma of the attack he deserves a kinder appraisal than he gets today. Perhaps history will remember his moments of greatness and treat is less competent moments with kindness.

I voted for George Bush twice - neither time because I thought he was "presidential material" - but because I found him more trustworthy than the alternatives.

I will never consider him a great president, but think he did a better job than I could have done. ...and on a good number of days...a better job than anyone could have done.
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