Bush sang an early goodbye to White House
Mar 15, 2008 21:39
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Ha Ha! I can foresee that Republicans will be at the helm of the White House again! I scent here is the turf of Repulicans. At least, Republicans have two followers. Griz, so you are a devout follower of Republicans. This time you will vote for John McCain, Right?

I am in favor of your of your idea that Bush deserves much credit for its labour in leading US out of the Post-9.11 trauma. Well, I also identify with Gary's viewpoints tha "the implied assumption that only conservatives are good for the country and democrats are either socialists or liberal social misfits" sounds biased. Basically, Democrats and Republicans have the same color. Who will win the eletion is only a matter of partisanship? Certainly, American people have the right to choose the one they like.
Mar 16, 2008 02:18
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Leonardo, the statement that both the Republicans and Democrats are of the same color is very close to being accurate. It takes $120-140million to even be competitive as a presidential candidate, and as a consequence donations have to be solicited from or freely given by corporations. Naturally, the corporations are going to expect something in return for this. Popular votes are superceded by the electioral votes(2000 election) and now state degegates are infiltrated by super(?) state delegates. Yes, this country is suppose to be "of the people, by the people and for the people" but I'm afraid that it is now"of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations" Of course, what I just said is very controversial and arguments can be made for and against it all day long.
Mar 16, 2008 04:49
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No JC, Americas did not choose him for the first term, corruption in Florida before the election and in the counting of the votes put Dubba in power.

Griz: I might not agree with u all the time, but if you couldn't do a better job tha Dubba, I have been overestimating you. You should also warn your fiancee that she is marrying a man with an IQ of around 45! But you are the only person I have met in the last 2 years who is man enough to admit you voted for Dubba

Mar 16, 2008 10:45
  • JCNILE123
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(I will take exception to the implied assumption that only conservatives are good for the country and democrats are either socialists or liberal social misfits)

It is ok to be part of society and have a say; however, it is better to be correct, perhaps you fail to notice I never used the word DEMOCRAT as I was referring to the socialists and the left-wingers in America.

For the record, I think there are some good democrats, but of course, I am not referring to either Obama or Hillary.
Mar 16, 2008 10:55
  • JCNILE123
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Marrie and Leo,
Fact you are not from our USA, I admire your common sense and intelligence.

It tells us that the 1960’s and 70's radicals from the west are not as successful as they think in their indoctrinations of the young people at the places of education and knowledge.

I express gratitude to GOD for your vision and wisdom.
Mar 16, 2008 11:14
  • JCNILE123
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Again been correct is more important than to have an opinion it self.

The limit donation from a corporation or individual is limited to a little over $2000.00.

The best donation campaigner is Obama so far with internet donations with an average of $20.00 to $100.00 and these donations are from the average common USA citizen.

Obama has collected more than $140.000.000 dollars.

Super delegates? Yeah that is all about the DEMOCRAT party, but I think you just passed judgment on an issue that has not come to be just hitherto.
Mar 16, 2008 11:24
  • JCNILE123
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((No JC, Americas did not choose him for the first term, corruption in Florida before the election and in the counting of the votes put Dubba in power.))

The Democrat Party was never able to provide evidence to it on the court of law, between you and I Paul, The Democrat party enlisted some of the more ferocious and famous lawyers in the nation.

The result? They never prove it an illegitimate presidency, of course Mr Woody (Al Gore) and you can never agree, but that is my story and I am sticking to it.
Mar 17, 2008 06:01
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There is ample evidence that black voters were deregisterd as being ineligible due to having past criminal convictions. In fact, if they had one ineligible John Smith they trawled the names to find people in poor areas (the more likely Democrat voters) and deregistered them too.

Then that corrupt use of the courts to end the checking of difficult to read votes. Funny it was done by Republican Public Servants and Judges just as Gore was catching up. The outcome was momentus - WAR with Iraq.

Why didn't the Democrats take legal action? The deregistatiuon corruption only came to light later and in your weird national election the voting is done under State law...and who controls the courts - the Republicans. All Rep nominees.

Come on, face it, the US system is totally corrupt. It is nothing like the 'founding fathers intended': they must be turning in their graves!
Mar 17, 2008 09:21
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I go it Paul, IF IT IS NOT left wing far right pro gay marriage, anti-religion liberal, it is corrupt.
So any thing that is republican is corrupt because is pro religion- Christian, and against the gay agenda,
You sound like Obama’s pastor Jeremy Wright on a white hide. Google it, is funny.

One of the main resources of the liberals is lack of truth on they words, and your word is all you have.
If you so consistently lie on some thing like this, how can you be truthful with the victims of your liberal indoctrination? (The students you are trusted with), I am sorry for them.

This case went all the way to the Supreme Court, (rejected)
The Supreme Court at the time was Bubba's Supreme Court (BiIl Clinton) a Democrat.

As I said before, I cannot make you come out of your terrible deviation, after all liberalism is a mental disorder.

The only half-truth you said was that in America any individual with a criminal record are not allowed to vote, that is the law. (Not just blacks, but also ANY individual with a criminal record regardless of the skin color).
Has been the law it was the law, it is the law.

Face it, Paul and be honest and truthful,
I know it is very difficult for you and your agenda of liberal indoctrination of the youth against the system and the host country (you are in China today’s days) it is not about Bush or any other individual, it is your passionate dislike of the American and Chinese political system that make’s you say what you said.

Because you are living in China you are afraid to say any think against China, but privately you are the enemy with in.

China welcomed you and entrusted you with the youth to educate and teach them, but you like a good liberal use the pulpit of knowledge to indoctrinate them with your liberal agenda.

Do not forget Paul liberalism it is a mental disorder!
Mar 17, 2008 18:53
  • JCNILE123
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Correction, (I got it Paul, IF IT IS NOT left wing far left pro gay marriage)

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