Bush sang an early goodbye to White House
Mar 18, 2008 21:17
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Ha! Here is the polling station. I will count the votes. Republicans two votes( JC, Griz). Democrats one vote? (Apault) How about others? Neutral or abstention?

I don't have the right to vote. Once I am allowed, I would vote for Hilary. I just want to see a female president in America. That's it!
Mar 19, 2008 12:20
  • GRIZ326
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Paul, the claim that the 2000 election was tainted was ruled upon by the US Supreme Court - they saw ALL of the evidence and know ALL of the governing law. They said GWB won the election. Case closed. Whining about the ruling is just sour grapes. The truth is that EVERY election is corrupt; but in 2000 the democrats decided to cry about it because their guy lost. They conveniently forgot that John F. Kennedy was elected by the voting dead people in Chicago.

I am not a Republican, but I have voted Republican for many years because the Democrats have not presented a competent candidate. George Bush is, IMO, a liberal politician - but I still voted for him as the lesser of two evils.

I am extremely "old fashioned" in religious and political terms which today makes me a conservative; when I was a boy it would only have meant that I was normal.
Mar 20, 2008 07:05
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But JC, there aren't any liberals or left wingers in the USA.

And from my observations the Democrats are not short of Christian support either. It's not possible to become Presiddnt of the US unless u profess to be a Christian... which considering the origins of the nation is undertsandable.

And Griz...courts used to rule in favour of segregation and supporting all sorts of rules that prevented blacks from voting. But I note that you say all of your elections are corrupt :)
Mar 20, 2008 22:57
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Ah, it really matters in the US presidential campaign if you are a Christian. Who is the first Catholican to be elected as the US President?
Mar 20, 2008 23:04
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The first Catholic president was (JF) Kennedy, if my history is correct.
Mar 20, 2008 23:13
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i heard in northern US more christians than roman catholics. Roman Catholics have more power in the south, Euro follows the suit. what's the evolution of your religion.
Mar 20, 2008 23:20
  • JCNILE123
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(((I don't have the right to vote. Once I am allowed, I would vote for Hilary)))

Ok, I assume you live in the USA and I assume you are a green card resident, if so; yes, ones you obtain your USA citizenship you are just like any USA born individual and of course you can vote.

The good think is that you cannot vote now, and so Hillary is lacking one good vote, just teasing.

The future? There are no second chances for Hillary! So is now or never for Hillary.
Mar 20, 2008 23:24
  • JCNILE123
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(((But JC, there aren't any liberals or left wingers in the USA.)))

You are right Paul, because most of them are in Hollywood.
Mar 21, 2008 17:27
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One of the most amusing and entertaining posts that I have read on this forum.
Mr. Bush certainly seems to bring out the passion in people.
My fifty cents worth is that he has performed in the most difficult of times a fantastic job.
Just behind that B movie actor that every body loved to take the mickey out off.
Mar 21, 2008 23:09
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Marrie......Actually more Catholics in South America, Central America and Mexico because of early Spanish exploration and settlement. North America is mostly Protestant. (Both Catholic and Protestant religions are considered as Christian)
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