Bush sang an early goodbye to White House
Mar 22, 2008 20:57
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Is Bush a catholic? Perhaps he is, as I remembered that President Bush is quite against abortion. In September 2006, Bush siding with the Catholic Church vetoed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act which has been passed by the Senate. It was the first time that President Bush exercised his veto power in his presidential terms. Bush said:"the bill crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect. So I vetoed it."
Mar 25, 2008 13:14
  • SETH
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Bush isn't Catholic, and to be more accurate, the Right Wing Christian conservatives are behind the no abortion, no stem cell research thinking. IMHO, this Right Wing Christian faction is extremely dangerous to the USA and to any intelligent human being. But they are a large part of Bush's constituancy (they heped elect him) so he obviously feels he needs to side with their interests.

On the other side, liberal Democrats with their social engineering experiments and "sounds good, feels good" superficial approach to major issues can screw up the USA as badly as the Right Wing Christian Republicans!

Obama says "it's time for change" but won't say what that change will be. Some of the race issues started external to the Obama camp, and then started within the Obama camp are scary; people worry about race riots if he does get the nomination, if he doesn't get the nomination, if he is elected, or if he isn't elected. Not a pretty thought.

Hillary is preaching the same stale "distribution of wealth" and "medical plan for all Americans" (that failed when her husband was President). What he approach boils down to is TAX, TAX, and mor TAX to pay for the huge government agencies needed for her ideas.

McCain is more moderate than right or left thinking, and hard-boiled conservatives don't like him, but moderate Democrats are starting to be heard disliking Hillary and Obama. McCain is strong against terrorism and terrorists, while Hillary and Obama aren't saying much.

I wouldn't mind seeing a black or woman President, but I'd rather see better choices than Hillary and Obama. Either way, this election should be exciting. I only hope the winner doesn't make things worse than they are right now. Hold onto your hats! :-))
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