Working 6 hours a day is a dream!
Mar 19, 2008 22:53
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Several days ago, the vise president of Zhejiang University suggested that China should abolish 8 hour working rule and adopt 6 hour working rule. In his opinion, working 6 hours a day has many advantages, improving people' health and quality of life and working efficiency etc. However, many people just think that working 6 hours a day is just a dream that can't be realized. What do you think of his suggestion? Is it possible to practise?
Mar 19, 2008 23:54
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With China's huge work force that would be great. The question is, would they be able to live decently (ample income) with 6hrs./day. Their employers would have to increase their wages/hr. or /month to compensate or the government would have to subsidize.
Mar 19, 2008 23:59
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You only think this when you are doing job of other people. When you are self employed , no way to think in this way of fast life days..

Personally, me, no way to work less than 12 hours/day , some time more than that. In lieu of these hard working, many works pending on the table during foreign visit.

Yes, its dream for me to work 6 hours daily.
Mar 20, 2008 02:53
I'm the same as Lionpower and can only dream of a 6 hour day, being a security officer I have to work a 12
shift and if my relief doesn't turn up then I have to stay until someone does, when I first started doing
security 20 years ago I once worked at one site for 48 hours none stop, I'm too old to do that now!
Mar 20, 2008 20:56
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Yes, it is a dream, not because it is impossible but because he is missing a point.

The 8-hour workday is not bad, but when employers require their workers to work more than 8 hours or be fired, then it is bad. Even worse when they require their employees to work more than 8 hours without overtime pay. Given those scenarios, how is a 6-hour workday going to make any difference?
Mar 20, 2008 22:05
  • BBQQ
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"You only think this when you are doing job of other people. When you are self employed , no way to think in this way of fast life days."

Your words inspires me to open my business, Lionpower. No one wants to work for others in their whole lives. Before opening my own business, I have to work hard and hard to accumulate more capitals, experience and knowledge. After having my own business, I have to work even harder to run my business smoothly. When will I have a rest? After my retirement. If you decide to be a successful man or woman, you have to work harder and harder. working 8 hours a day is a dream let alone 6 hours.
Mar 22, 2008 12:27
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No need to work hard for earning money to invest in future business. Work hard for knowledge and experience, and read the life history of rich Chinese ladies, how they grew from zero.
Mar 23, 2008 01:31
  • GRIZ326
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You only get a small percentage of work out of a day of any number of hours. I feel fortunate when I have 4 truly productive hours out of an 8 hour day.

That certainly would not be true of an assembly line job, but the loss of concentration has a cost in terms of productivity.
Mar 24, 2008 08:49
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I'd like to hear from anyof our Chinese members who actually only works an 8 hour day!!!!!!

Of course I know some people who do but the vast majority of the workforce often work up to 10 hours or more each day. This is of course split in the middle by up to two hours of siesta. So a working day for many can begin as early as 7.30am and continue until 10.00pm.

On top of this the weekend is often shortened by being on call and beginning their working week on a Sunday evening and finishing at noon on Saturdays. They are often called to attend meetings and other activities in their spare time with little choice in the matter. This information is based on the lifestyle of many teachers I personally know and other workers in hospitably etc.

Mar 24, 2008 21:12
  • BBQQ
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No need to work hard for earning money to invest in future business. Work hard for knowledge and experience, and read the life history of rich Chinese ladies, how they grew from zero."

Thanks for your advice, Lion. I will acquire knowledge and experience as well as earning enough money :-)
Mar 29, 2008 10:51
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Sorry, too late welcome.
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