Where has all my RMB gone?
Apr 14, 2008 14:48
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How about labour government full stop. We now have a nanny state where it is not safe to walk the streets for fear of getting attacked by teenagers.
Where foreigners come to my country get free houses and free money and more rights than any of the local citizens.

Anyway, thats another topic and not gonna help me get 500 RMB for my £1
Apr 15, 2008 01:27
Anyway, thats another topic and not gonna help me get 500 RMB for my £1

You don't want too much then Dave, he he
As for the foreigners coming here, I hope they didn't nick your job as in cheaper labour, I'm told this is whats happening back home in Somerset.
Apr 15, 2008 16:36
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Well someones got my job Alan cos I get made redundent next week the day before my next trip to China.

So, anyone want me? have a job for me in China?????
Apr 16, 2008 01:13
I know Dave, that's why I mentioned it, I hope you find something soon, meanwhile enjoy your trip to China, you lucky bugger!
I might have to look for another job soon, the lady I took over from is due to return next month after maternity leave.
Apr 17, 2008 09:29
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Dave - Learn to speak Polish, and then you can compete on a level plain in the UK for a job again! In fact, get a Polish passport, and then you'll be offered free housing, jobs, and many other benefits! haha

Apr 17, 2008 15:22
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Good idea but then the only jobs I can do is picking veg or driving buses.
Apr 17, 2008 22:10
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Dave, the way to fill up the losing gap is converting more british sterling to rmb when travelling in china. Since rmb is now in uptrend, when you be back in UK, convert rbm back into sterling at the ex.rate of 9rmb:1bp. that is hedge of forex risk.
Apr 20, 2008 10:03
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If the RMB ever gets to 9 to the £ then I am really in deep trouble!
Apr 20, 2008 12:38
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With the way its falling there is a possibility it could go that low.
What would it mean for China if it did?
Apr 20, 2008 18:46
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Well it's back up to 14 today, so I think 9 is a long way off, if ever. But if it did happen, then China's export market would collapse, and the world's manufacturing centres would need to be moved elsewhere. Maybe Coventry! Dave - you could get a new job!
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