High prices... what do we do?
Apr 26, 2008 10:45
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A goat vs. a lawn mower.......hmm. The goat would keep the grass trimmed and not use any gas but would eat the vegetables that were planted , on the other hand, it would be rather difficult for me to eat a lawnmower.
Apr 26, 2008 11:20
  • JCNILE123
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Gary, how can I escape your scrutiny? I give up, He, he,

No tomatoes, no goat, and I most go get gas to crank up the mower, other wise I will get a note from the jokers in the subdivision about my over grow yard.
Apr 26, 2008 13:38
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Gary, my neighbors and i will share buying this goat for trimming backyard and front yard grass. This goat should be fat after eating plots of grasses during spring summer season and until winter, we will enjoy ancient chinese traditional dish-ShuanYang Rou.

Apr 27, 2008 02:39
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Leon8me's suggestions are all fine for a small democratic society, but have little use here in China. What use will making friends with people who want to create more parks do me in Guangzhou? I also like the western attitude of "reconnect with relatives in the country". What are they going to do - send some carrots 2000 kilometers by post?!

It all comes down to a simple mathematical sum.... too many people (6 billion) on a limited land mass (the Earth) with not enough food. To balance out the equation, you can do 1 of three things. 1. Increase the size of the planet (impossible). 2. Increase the amount of food (we've tried that). 3. Reduce the amount of people (easy). In the previous entries in this thread, famine and war have been mentioned. Both of these will help solve the problem, so just tell us where to start, and let's get on with it!

How about we kill all Americans, French, Japanese, and anyone who has a silly haircut? That'll reduce the population by about 2 million, and then there will be enough food, and no more global warming, and depletion of natural resources will slow dramatically.

If only I was in charge of the world - imagine what a great place it would be?!

Apr 27, 2008 06:38
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Barontwangle--genocide will lead to war. War will lead to radiation and chemical poisoning, which will leave us with even less food -- I wouldn't be surprised if food production will be reduced by 90%. As a result, the remaining people will have even much less to eat in addition to being torn by hatred and all the nasty stuff that will linger.

The world would be much, much worse if you were in charge.

Also, I don't think overpopulation is the main cause of world hunger. The growing world population does strain the planet, but most of the resources are consumed by a small portion of humanity. They also produce most of the pollutants and cause the most harm to the planet. I think we all need to rethink how we live, not start killing each other so that the remaining people can continue destroying the planet.
Apr 27, 2008 07:28
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Muddiedk - I hope you didn't think I was being serious?! However, I do really think there are too many people on the planet. most of the problems today (pollution, depletion of natural fuels, disappearing rain forests, global warming, famine, war, etc) are all caused by too many people being here. What the world needs (not mankind, but the world) is another black plague. SARS came close, but we need something more deadly, to cull the population by about half. The world would certainly be a better place in 20 years time.
Apr 27, 2008 07:43
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<<I hope you didn't think I was being serious?!>>

I got the joke. A bird flu pandemic would make you happy I suppose? =)

I do agree with one thing--the human population needs to be managed and reduced. Although I'm not really sure I'd like to see people dying in huge numbers or whether this would really help. Would it be too sick to investigate whether the recent tsunami did wonders for preserving resources and lowering food prices in Aceh or the whole of Indonesia?
Apr 29, 2008 09:58
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The Tsunami killed about 300,000. That is nowhere near enough to make any difference. 300,000,000 would be a better start, but I think about 3 billion is what is needed to make a real difference. It does mean however that each of us would stand a 50/50 chance of making it, but I would be willing to take the risk.
Apr 29, 2008 11:18
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JCNILE123.....sometimes my scrutiny is lacking......oh well, what the heck.
MARRIE......what is that stuff?......obviously it's goat meat.
Apr 29, 2008 11:22
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BARONTWANGLE.....The Brandenberg Group may want to contact you.
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