Are you a forgiving person?
Apr 17, 2008 11:13
guest54109 Do you forgive easily?
Apr 18, 2008 00:43
I would say I am, unless the person in question has really hurt me or my family and shows no regret.
Apr 18, 2008 16:15
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Absolutely not. I am very patient person but if someone upsets me badly then there is no forgiving and no going back...ever.

Luckily it takes a lot to get me to that stage and so far only 2 people have done it.
Apr 18, 2008 18:13
  • GRIZ326
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I forgive trivial matters with ease, but never forgive serious offenses.
Apr 18, 2008 19:04
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Yup....sometimes too much.
Apr 19, 2008 00:02
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I am not.
If someone hurt me or my loved ones, no forgiveness unless it is done by accident. If someone really means it, does it by purpose, that person just ordered problems.
I mind my own business and let others mind theirs. I expect other people let me mind mine.

Apr 19, 2008 09:26
  • JCNILE123
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I do not think I am a forgiving person; human nature is not about forgiveness,

However, I have learn over the years that carrying grouches and building a painful spot in my heart in order to preserve alive the feelings of anger and pain, are more painful it self than to let it go.
After all, we only live life ones, not forgiving carry a desire for retribution that in turn will trap us in to a vicious circle of pay backs.

I am not sympathetic to organized religion.
However, I attribute this change of mind from my past stance to my desire to believe in God and honor his teachings.

I do not condemn the other member’s opinions about this subject, “I used to share the same opinion”.
Apr 20, 2008 07:41
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Forgiving is a form of relief, for me. So I reckon I am forgiving. Funny thing is, I seldom forget. Hurts the trust, if you know what I mean.
Apr 22, 2008 11:42
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Yes, because not forgiving only makes you feel bad yourself. But it can be hard to forgive while you are still in contact with the person and if the issues that might be forgiven are still alive.
Apr 22, 2008 22:12
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I realized long ago that holding on to bitterness doesn’t serve me anything good. In fact, day by day it made me more miserable and I couldn’t see anything good around me. Carrying resentment is a heavy burden. The worst part about it is that while I was going through this ‘victimization’ state, the person/s I’ve had grudges with were doing fine, so in the end I was just hurting no one but myself.

Forgiving doesn’t mean not learning the lessons. It just means letting go of the ill feelings and wishing the other person/s well. After that, I feel like a million bucks hehe… There’s more incentive for me to forgive because I noticed that once I let go, without a miss, great things happen. ^_^
Apr 25, 2008 12:19
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I do not forgive easily...but I will always forgive.
No matter what may have been done to me...forgiveness is a key factor to learning and healing from the situation. In the end I feel I have become a better person
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