John McCain vows to ban toy imports from China
Apr 24, 2008 02:13
  • JOHNNY512
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American Republican forerunner John McCain vowed that if he was president he would halt toy imports from China if life-threatening safety defects are found.

"I have to tell you, if I were president of the United States, the next toy that came into this country from China that endangered the lives of our children, it would be the last toy that came into the United States," said McCain at a meeting inYoungstown Ohio when he was addressing 300 people.

Last month the US senate passed a motion to require more product testing of made-in-china goods.

John McCain is probably taking “lead-paint-tainted toys” as a springboard for the election campaign.

Apr 24, 2008 10:44
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As we can see, politics rarely have something smart to say. They only look for opportunies to "lick" some voting part of people.

Here in Finland one of the three leading parties is in a crisis. Now they desperately try to find something that would rise them as the biggest party again. And they did find it. They want to accept gay-couples adoption right. By that they calculate they will have enough votes to be the biggest party again.

Apr 24, 2008 12:33
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He could have also mentioned about the number of children whose lives were endangered or killed in the Iraq conflict, but I guess thats not on the political agenda(campaign trail).
Apr 24, 2008 15:15
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B.S. rhetoric feeding on growing anti-China (note, not Chinese) sentiment. Politicians love hyping up a 'common enemy' to beguile people towards their own agenda.
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