Westerner Dating a Chinese woman
Jun 30, 2008 04:19
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Lost - how's it going? Has she left you yet?!!
Jul 6, 2008 13:29
GUEST04140 No she hasn't left me yet. Actually we were spending the whole day together talking, laughing, window shopping, and just enjoying each others company. She's still great! Maybe the negative comment was directed for a reason. I'm curious. did you have one leave you after a period of time? I'm not being a smart ass here, I'm just trying to understand. She is funny, serious, playful, and absolutely just like any woman. If you treat her good, she'll treat you good. I treat her like a queen, and she in return treats me like a king. We were made for each other. What a find! Good luck with your future relationships. I hope you find your true love one day.
Jul 8, 2008 22:22
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No, I wasn't trying to be negative, just a bit of humour. Glad it is all going well for you.
Aug 21, 2009 20:30
GUESTMATT Lost, the only thing that matters is how two people make each other feel. Don't over complicate it.

By the way, for the gentleman that made the actual racist comment. Identifying ones race is a comment about race, not a "racist" comment.
Mar 13, 2011 17:31
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I just had my first date with a Chinese woman here in the U.S. She came here in 2001 and speaks great English. I met her on a dating site and we talked thru email for a few weeks.

I had initially expressed interest in meeting but she said she wasn't comfortable at the time and I said Ok I am comfortable talking thru email (I may have jumped the gun and asked to meet too early).

Anyway -
Our first date was a lunch date at 12 noon and it ended up lasting until 4pm in the afternoon(Is that a good sign?) I think it is.

We walked and talked most of the time and it was fantastic.
After I walked her to her car to say goodbye she said here let me give you my phone number (Again a good sign?) I had previously given mine to her just in case she was running late for our date she could call me. Of course she didn't give me hers until after the date.

I believe she is interested and she did send a couple subtle complements my way which I picked up on right away.
I gave her a hug after the date and told her I had a really good time talking and walking with her.

The next day she emailed me Good morning and that she had also enjoyed meeting me and thanked me for a wonderful afternoon. I'm still emailing her, of course.

My questions is this...When should I call her on the phone? How long should I wait..I don't want to jump the gun again and seem too aggressive but I want her to know I am definitely interested.

I believe with some of the things I've indicated above that she is interested too ???
Can anyone help me here? I have been reading and researching so I don't screw this up.

I think she is so sweet and I would like it to go further, I had such a wonderful afternoon with her.

May 19, 2011 04:37
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Lost1: "You are Chinese I see. I have read that Chinese men find it offensive that Chinese women marry outside there ethnicity. Are you one of them? I feel sorry for you. " Well, what do you think about your gf's father would think (maybe this statement)? She might be OK with it but it might be a social issue and not a love issue. See! Everyone got a plan and hopefully her plan includes you. I was in your case the other way around (gender-wise). It's tough! I guess at the end it is a package of how the long-term relationship can prevail. If you cannot figure it out, the future is not looking very bright. Some ppl don't want to loose their culture. So it might be you are too American for her. I think any working inter-racial relationship requires one person to do more! So you must judge if that is going to be you or not. Well, to me Asian women are anything but amazing if you know them well enough. Sure maybe this phase will pass. You just have to beef up your game on the Asian girl- dating scene.
Nov 8, 2014 01:30
GUEST09222 I don't know if you have married that a chinese woman yet. I am chinese woman from Hong Kong. Most chinese women need security. They prefer one marriage one life and no matter how rich and capable they are they expect their another half to be responsible in family. We Chinese usually think that americans are easy come easy go in relationship and marriage. Such impression is from American movies. Sometimes even though a chinese woman loves you very much, she won't express herself due to our culture. As long as she keeps on seeing you, she probably like you. Traditional chinese woman don't like casual dating. If she doesn't like you, she never bother to meet you once.
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