Ex boyfriend' gift, keep, discard or sell?
May 7, 2008 02:49
guestrain If you break up with your boyfriend, how will you deal with the things that he has sent to you, such as the ring and necklace? According to an English media, a special website has been set up for those who have broken up with their BFs or divorced their husbands. There you can sell your ex boyfriend or ex husband’s gifts, share your love story with others. It is said that there have been 3000 registered members and 600 hundred rings, necklaces etc. I am not sure if Chinese girls have the same idea with those westerners. So there is a question for you: How will you deal with the things that might remind you of your unhappy experiences?
May 7, 2008 02:51
GUESTRAIN The title should be revised: "Ex boyfriend' gift, return, keep, discard or sell?"
May 7, 2008 04:35
  • CHERRY07
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Personally I will return them to him. But I am not sure whether if he will accept them.
May 7, 2008 17:06
  • JCNILE123
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What do you want to do?
May 7, 2008 17:08
  • JCNILE123
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Ok... then next stop... the trashcan.
May 7, 2008 20:40
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"Personally I will return them to him. But I am not sure whether if he will accept them."

As for me, I won't ask my ex girlfriend to return the gifts that I have sent to her. Not only girls but also boys will feel unhappy when they see the gifts that he/she gave him. For me, I won't discard or sell these things. I will preserve them in a box.
May 7, 2008 23:33
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I will keep them.
I think it is impolite to discard or sell them, anyway, you loved the person once.
May 8, 2008 08:14
  • JCNILE123
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(((Not only girls but also boys will feel unhappy when they see the gifts that he/she gave him. For me, I won't discard or sell these things. I will preserve them in a box)))

So Jimmy, out of curiosity I ask... What will you answer to your new love as she discovers the memories box?

I am sure she will never forget the romantic box ever: I know it.
May 8, 2008 08:23
  • JCNILE123
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I ask you the same question I asked Jimmy; could it be possibly polite to the new love to carry this infamous box around?

Memories are on your heart, that is the only place to keep them, and you can see that with the time you learn to disregard them too, little by little.

Love is just a feeling!
May 8, 2008 20:13
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JC, I will tell her they are the gifts that my ex girlfriend once sent me. Her reaction might be: No.1 go mad, quarrel with me and ask me why I still keep them. I am sure that I will be in trouble at that time. No.2 perform generously and tell me that she won't be jealous or angry. This is what I expect but may not come true. Actually everyone has his/her past. If she know this, I guess that she won't go mad and quarrel with me. Similarly, if I find her memories box, I won't ask her anything about it. I believe that she will walk out her memories and tell me the truth if she loves me and trusts me. We have to understand that people have their own private places in their heart that shouldn't bothered by others even though you are lovers, parents and children. If you love him/her, you must allow him/her to have their own private space. Don't try to know everything about him/her. This is stupid. Perhaps, someone might think that I am naive or silly. However, this is the way I deal with my love.
May 8, 2008 20:46
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I don’t remember the gifts anymore so I don’t even remember what I did with them. Maybe they are in a box somewhere gathering dust. O_o

But I remember the love letters and I know I had them in a big box in the attic. Who knows, they might be worth a lot of money someday. Maybe somebody will write a ‘Memoirs of Shesgottobe’. LOL!

If my new lover discovers the letters? He won’t discover them because I will tell him about them first hand. Anyone would know the difference if you are still in love with someone from your past. Past is past. Just because I am keeping them doesn’t mean I still have feelings for them. I think it would be selfish for a new lover to tell you to discard them because no matter what, that past was a part of you he/she needs to accept. It shouldn’t even matter. If he loves me, he will accept me just like how I accept him. If not, he can always discard me, ne? It’s just not a good sign if your new lover is more hung up on your ex than you are.
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