World's 10 Most Wanted Fugitives
May 9, 2008 18:35
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With all of the high tech equipment available now, not only yes but "hell yes", especially with Bin Laden.
May 29, 2008 12:15
GUESTRUDOLPH... Surprising that First World Nations like the U.S.A which spends billions of dollars in upgrading their war-chests find it difficult to capture criminals of moderate or below average I.Q but tremendous "CRIMINAL I.Q", proof that there is truth in the saying ,"HORSES FOR COURSES"!
May 29, 2008 21:27
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>>Don't you think that they would have killed or captured all of these bad guys by now if they really wanted them? <<

Probably. Massive manhunt might take effect.
Jun 25, 2008 02:16
GUESTCHANG LEE This guy can be caught with in a second if the big boyz say go?
Jun 26, 2008 19:51
GUEST40222 All of the aboves are actually most wanted by one(some) government(s) and most cared by some other(s).
Jul 21, 2008 21:09
GUEST25110 I believe the U.S government is teaching other third-world governments how they can profit from crimes such as drug trafficking, disease spreading, and genocide which is why nobody with the power stop these crimes are doing anything to catch these fugitives!!!
Sep 10, 2008 04:53
GUEST10193 with all todays technological advances they should be able to round the whole works up and give the world a break from these sort of thugs.
Nov 26, 2008 09:39
GUEST21990 What is the point of religion and law when the world today suffers because the
government just want more and more money and to escape their wrong by just
blaming one person instead of a comunity or group or gang related people to the crime,
this is unfair.
Why should a few people be blamed and instead among the people who did the
wrong framed one person to do the wrong like Sadaam Husein, Asamo Bin laden.
How is it so that people like Bin laden be convicted for crime of killing when their is no evidence proving they
did the crime or not and instead they are punished not only their community turns out to be an enemy
to the world.
What is the answer? Peace (Religion) or World war (Politics)

When will this war ever stop!
Nov 29, 2008 08:37
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Tis' nothing but a game concocted by the "powers that be" (or wanna be's) to provide the grease that lubricates the gears of control or domination.
Of course, once the world becomes controlled thru depopulation, planned famine, genetic manipulation, etc, etc. then what?
Will they then have conflicts amongst themselves for ultimate control?
Will there be any spectators and cheerleaders left to witness it?
If salt has lost it's taste or precious metal has lost it's intrinsic value then of what good are they?
Sorry.....Damn.....I'm starting to sound like a preacher.
Nov 29, 2008 16:13
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I saw the Irish guy in the catholic church. 1 million soon will be credited on my bank account!
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