World's 10 Most Wanted Fugitives
May 3, 2009 18:42
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gang is suffering from credit cruch as well.

May 4, 2009 16:22
GUEST34130 your comment wasn't helping man!
May 5, 2009 20:01
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Mam, I believe in this word: Nobody can help us except ourselves.

How about this part of The International:

Labourers, peasants, we are
The great party of workers
The earth belongs only to men
The idle will go reside elsewhere
How much of our flesh they feed on,
But if the ravens and vultures
Disappear one of these days
The sun will always shine
|: This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human rac

May 5, 2009 20:02
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But I prefer this British/Irish Version

May 25, 2009 18:54
GUEST51238 they found saddam hussein in a desert!! but they cant find these guys. you got to be kidding me
Jun 8, 2009 00:00
GUEST97179 Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a young, jovial, done Scout, NCC, got arm traing from Air NCC. I am from India would like to join the FBI to remove the crime. So If I am given a chance to work under FBI I will be highle obliged.

Thanks & Regards,

A. Dasgupta
Phone: 9831353465
Jun 9, 2009 15:46
GUEST05212 Yes and No - would be the right answer to that statement.

Yes, if the Law Enforcement, Civil Militaries, and simular agencies could act outside the law and had no restrictions on resources and technology availalbe in this day and age... "if they really wanted them?" - is a bit mushy with the diction. Wouldn't you agree that they [police and military] do "really want them"? I know lots of folks who joined the military and police and, at least here in the US/Canada, they aren't joining because of money/easy job/benefits/etc - these people work harder than most and in the end make a rather average (if not sad) income (again only speaking from US/Canadian experience). 'They' do this sort of thing for a passion - be it to 'do good' 'be helpful' or 'thill of the hunt.' Catching these "bad guys" would be their personal highest achivement. They live and work hard for moments like that.

The issue is that law and expiency aren't allies - to put it a bit poetically. There are restrictions on what these folks can and can not do - some imposed by the legal system, some impossed by the economics of the situation, and finally some impossed just by the current realities.
Jun 29, 2009 13:05
GUESTTRUTHSP... yeah definitely, but some corrupt people are making this impossible and such countries like pakistan which supports all terrorist and worship them.
Jul 9, 2009 03:39
GUEST68216 the amount of resourses our goverments have and they cannot get these men is a joke. I say that it is a world wide conspiracy to keep the average person in some fear induced state. Of course they know where they are all a part of the new world order
Jul 28, 2009 15:50
GUEST15201 These bad guys are making them too much money for them to bother catching them :)
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