USA economic downturn leads to 50,000 homelesss veterans living in the streets in California
Jul 2, 2008 20:32
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"I don't know much on U.S.A, but i know U.S.A lags behind AUS, NEWZEALAND, ENGLAND,FRANCE, CANADA, JAPAN in terms of social welfare system. "

Marrie, are you sure that USA lags behind the aforementioned countries in terms of social welfare system? USA is the most developed country in the world. Which country has the best social welfare system?
Jul 2, 2008 20:51
  • JCNILE123
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In the good old USA, if you work you can have it all,

You most WORK, WHICH is the magic word that people, wants to replace with SOCIAL WELFARE.

I work very hard for my money so I do not need and do not want to get hands outs from the welfare system.
Actually, I dislike very much the welfare system because I am TAX big time to support the lazy
so call home less, sorry but I have no pity for them.

Now that I learn to love the people of China, I prefer to spend my money and help hard working people in China than helping the lazy in America.
Therefore, I do so.

By the way, yes, I am not a socialist or a left-winger, I believe on democracy and hard work that’s all.

Jul 2, 2008 21:29
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hello, JC
my comments on social welfare system is encouraging laziness to some extent. U.S.A's fundamental is from John Locke theory and it lets US become a global leader with endless glamour and the highest level of wealth. Universal public health care, formal and informal trade union, high taxation creates economic inefficiency.

Natural state theory from John Locke makes owning a gun legalized. I would vote conservative party if had greencard

About John Locke

Jul 4, 2008 15:37
  • JCNILE123
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Yes, I used to read Locke a lot, I do not read too much any more...

(((my comments on social welfare system is encouraging laziness to some extent.)))
Agree with you.

(((I would vote conservative party)))
I consider my self to be a conservative too, which is why I have disregard for lazy bums.

Jul 4, 2008 23:06
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Gini ratio measures the level of equality of wealth distribution, the larger the Gini is , the higher the inequality. Believe it or not, China's Gini ratio is almost at the same level as USA's although USA has much much higher GDP per capita than China.

Russia better gini is in line with Canada and other west euro although russia's economic absolute value-GDP is poor than west euro.

norther euro countries enjoy top gini and best welfare. Socialism is ok for countries with tiny nation that is adjacent to economic superpower although their economy itself is not that competitive because geography -distance is one of key determinants of one nation's development.

Jul 5, 2008 09:12
  • JCNILE123
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Very interesting analysis based on the GINI ratio; however, the key word to me is WEALTH DISTRIBUTION.

WEALTH DISTRIBUTION, IS the people on power attempting to take from the have’s and give it to the have not.

Now, America is a country of opportunity that allows any one in the country to work and HAVE.
That explains why millions of illegal alien has come to the American shores and borders.
In the USA, today we have a population greater than 20.000.0000 million illegal aliens.

They work and they HAVE.
Not one have to take any thing from the ones that have to create a level of equality in wealth distribution.

The only HAVE NOTs in America are the people that work very little and want a lot.
American socialist and left-wingers want to make the hard working Americans to be responsible and to take care of the lazy good for nothing bums.

Now I am not surprise to see that China have a GINI average high and close to equal with the USA, we most remember that China as it is today is a very young nation, with four times the American population combine.

I believe China is on the right track to prosperity and wealth for all.
China is a shifting nation, America it is what America was to be.

I do not trust politicians that talk about wealth distribution.
Jul 5, 2008 22:03
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Agree, JC. And China will be right on track if there is better monitoring system of public policy and less rent-seeking or privileged group. Anyhow, conventional wisdom is things get worse before they get better.
Jul 6, 2008 18:16
  • JCNILE123
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((And China will be right on track if there is better monitoring system of public policy and less rent-seeking or privileged group))

Right on,
Jul 7, 2008 02:46
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Nice point about the 20,000,000 illegal immigrants in the US.
If the place was as bad as some would have us believe why does every one want to go there?
Cheers, Dodger.
Jul 7, 2008 09:47
  • JCNILE123
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(((Nice point about the 20,000,000 illegal immigrants in the US.
If the place was as bad as some would have us believe why does every one want to go there?)))

Agree; numbers are more eloquent than words...

The homeless in America are home grown, the foreigners 20.000.000 million and growing all manage to get a job; most of them do not speak English.

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