if you fall in love with a muslim when you are not,what will you do?
May 2, 2009 07:44
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Trust in God with all your heart and do not trust in your own understanding of things but in all ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight. Prayer is a powerful tool and many things can be accomplished through it. Gods will must come first,, and blessings will follow. LB
May 2, 2009 15:41
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Hi Azizah,

Iam an Indonesian who posting and get ur reply. Thanks for answering.

I must said, even if my hubby can /able to just, well i myself have an ego. I dont want to share my hubby with other girl. And if i against this, i maybe have to prepare to get divorced. In other religion its not allowed and considered sinner. But when the religion doesnt think it as a sin, it is becoming a common lifestyles, and happens more than in other non muslim community. Its dangerous when this lifestyes is perceived as normal.

Well lots of chinese non muslim who have concubines, mistress, and so on... but its lessen and if so, well at least it is considered extramarital. And if the worst scenario that i got divorces... i may still keep the kids and they know who is to blame.

And there are more other reasons... such as we non muslim are considered Kafir. Eventhough it couldnt be bad in term of the meaning... but in my hometown it perceived as very very negative.

Third reason, i do love animal... I love my doggy and if i marrying a muslim i suddenly cant keep doggy? as dog/pig considered haram. I mean dog is a very loving animal... but how can it considered as Najis (things or persons regarded as ritually unclean) ? I saw many times children throw a stone to innocence dog on street and shouting Najis !!! Najis !!! It hurt my feelin so deeply.

There are lots of mixed religion couples here in my hometown. All i can say that most of the muslim usually ask the girl to convert and their children must be muslim, and some guys usually say... Ok u can keep r religion but our kids have to be muslim. Well obviously no, cos i do want my kids to learn some of my chinese cultures/belief cos many are good for them to know. And to be fair... we both can teach them our cultures/belief and let them choose which one they like rite?

Well, I do have many muslim friend, and frankly speaking they are polite, nice and yes some of the muslim teaching are very good. I do want to apply some of their teaching in my life. But when it come to long term/marriage relationship i must think twice... cos not because their religion is negative... but because there are too many diffrences and i cant accept that i have to adopt their belief and sacrifice my own. its just not rite for me. If i met christian/catholic guy, maybe i still can consider.

May 2, 2009 19:41
Seriously? > Run. As fast as you can.
May 4, 2009 09:08
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Dear Maymay
It's very interesting to read your thoughts. Well I'm a Chinese too, from an Ong family. I used to ask myself the same question, what if my husband marries a new one? It's too complicated to think and share a husband, isn't it? Well, how many Indonesian or Malaysian Muslims have 2, 3 or 4 wives? Until today, my husband remains with one wife, that is me. Marrying more than one wife, today, I think it's not helping any but for lusts, thus those who are marrying for lusts have done injustice to Islam. Why think of divorce when we want a marriage? We should strive more to keep our marriage, and i never think of divorce at all. Divorce is a sin? Divorce to me is the last path one takes in marriage if there is no other remedy and way. Many celebrities got divorced in the west, but there are no hues and cries saying they are sinners. A bigamy is dangerous but living with concubines and mistresses is OK I guess... it'a really a strange thought.

I don't know about Indonesian Muslims, but there are many schools of thoughts. My husband allows me to keep dogs, in fact in the Qur'an (al-Maidah 5:3) allows Muslims to use dogs for hunting. A great sage of Islam, named Abu ]Hanifah (d. 150H) argued, if a dog is najis, then why it is allowed for hunting and if the prey died in the mouth of the dog it is allowed to eat? Even the late mufti of Terengganu (one of the states in Malaysia), Syed Yusuf Ali al-Zawawi, according to my husband, kept dogs as pets. There is non in the Qur'an says that the dog is najis, and not even in the hadith. True, it was mentioned about when the dog licks the water... and that according to Abu Hanifah was during rabies epidemic where dogs were killed. Some Muslims do not understand their own religion, and when I asked them, they just said so and so have said this, and it is haram, and they never brought forth good arguments from their main two sources of reference, the Qur'an and the authpritative Prophetic Traditions. Even if a dog is filth or najis, it is not right to throw stones, it is also a God's creation. I used to read the Sahih of al-Bukhari with my husband, about a prostitute that will be rewarded with the garden of paradise because she fed a thisrty dog water from her shoes.

May 4, 2009 09:09
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I am blessed with six children where my number 5th has gone to his Lord. Both my husband and I will try our best to educate ourselves, our children to find better ways to serve our Lord, and hoping to return to Him with full submission and repentance. One when I showed him about the Eight nobled paths and the four nobled truths, he just smiled and told me it's part of management science. We still celebrate Chinese New Year as it has nothing to do with religion, the same as we celebrate the Muslim calendar year, also not a religious celebration either. I am never a learned person about Islam but I tried my best to find the truth eventhough I may differ from others and some Muslim community. Thank you for sharing your thought with me.Maymay
I am blessed with six children where my number 5th has gone to his Lord. Both my husband and I will try our best to educate ourselves, our children to find better ways to serve our Lord, and hoping to return to Him with full submission and repentance. One when I showed him about the Eight nobled paths and the four nobled truths, he just smiled and told me it's part of management science. We still celebrate Chinese New Year as it has nothing to do with religion, the same as we celebrate the Muslim calendar year, also not a religious celebration either. I am never a learned person about Islam but I tried my best to find the truth eventhough I may differ from others and some Muslim community. Thank you for sharing your thought with me.
May 31, 2009 02:56
GUESTNN Being a muslim doen't mean every move you take is restricted by certain rules, our religion has given choices in its own way. If you understand what it means to follow those rules, you will see that Islam is not a nreligion of rules, but a religion of love, as the subject we're talking about here.

Islam teaches not to have sex before marriage because it shows loyalty towards the one we love. having sex (which is considerea a sign of love). How would you feel if you married amoeone who hadn't had sex at all before? you'd feel special, right? and that's what it's all about. Islam teaches us the TRUE meaning of being in love.
As for Men having too much rules towards his wife, look again. It's not the men whose wrong. Maybe the women didn't fulfil her responsibilities as a wife. we all make mistakes right? It's not about the religion
Jun 25, 2009 11:32
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Wrting after a long delay. These days bundles of business work in China and always stay in China, so very little time to read TCG. More over recently using QQ. My qq 1047773783 and its all features in Chinese。 So it also kill my major time at night to learn how to use QQ. Recently I read about posting picture in TCG so again interested to come here but result is not good, I failed to upload my new picture with its real capacity.
Thanks Azizah, she share the topic with her valuable time.
Jun 25, 2009 16:15
GUEST59131 I have a relationship with a Kuwaiti girl, I am atheist, and she is a liberal Muslim.

Now, it's rare for a Muslim woman to have a relationship with a non-Muslim, much rarer than vice versa, since the Koran completely prohibits women marrying non-Muslims, whereas Muslim men can marry Christians and Jews.

Now, there are all kinds of issues that come with interfaith marriages, such as: will the children be raised Muslim?

For a non-Muslim man marrying a Muslim woman, it's much worse. Since in Islam, marrying first cousins is permitted, and is widespread in the Muslim world, it is a matter of dishonour for cousins to be snubbed in favour of a non-Muslim. It creates a rift in the family. Secondly, our marriage wouldn't be deemed legal in any Muslim country. In some countries like Iran, and Arabia, it could be grounds for the woman's and the man's arrest.

Islam is a dreadfully totalitarian religion, and although I have many Muslim friends, the texts don't change though people might. You'll hear some Muslims fluffing the religion, but it's religion and not anything else making my relationship difficult, even if it's not an issue between us, a religion like Islam can't be anything but an intrusive, domineering and divisive outside force people apart.
Jul 14, 2009 21:01
GUEST87198 my first love is a chinese guy. even now i still wonder why he likes me before. but now i think that does not matter anymore. based on the fact that he dumped me after reading about islam. knowing just a little tiny fact about islam. and he already cant take it. stupid. i never regret that he dumped me. just regret the fact that he dumped me because of my religion. and yeah, we are serious in the relationship. it is not a game.
Jul 15, 2009 03:08
GUEST58147 The religion Islam is the gloriouss religion. It is one and only one true religion of Allmighty Allah.Allah in His GoodBook The Holly Quran Says that"If some one left The religion Islam and Tried to Find a new religion his that religion will not be accepted" Islam is the guide to lead a good and complete life.How He/She will face the Glorious,The King Of Kings,The one and only one true God Allah Allmighty on the day of judgement who have given superiority to a girlfriend or boyfriend on Allah Almighty?Love is For Allah Allmighty. He is the one who is to be Loved.So be carefull in ur thoughts. Paradise(Jannat) is ot that much easy to acquire U have to sacrify,U have to die for the Glory Of Islam,Umust Fight for ur Glorious Religion Islam.
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