Good Feed Back,to threads. Why is it hard to meet sincere woman
Aug 28, 2008 07:55
GUEST28203 JCNILE123, Geeze,it seems you were a loss for words,as you have said nothing here,only giving your picture,and that beard,all people should forgo.You
certainly appear the friendly type,but ooooH! whats in your mind! You look half scared,and this is only pulling your chain,not meant to reflect on your personality,because what a person does not possess is not always their fault.You are kind of like this computer of mine.Its working part time,and does not
always cooperate ,but with a few unkind words,and playing with the keys,its stubborness gives in.What does this have to do with anything?,great question,
and its a satifactory and unforgiving mannerisms style,which is you either have it or you dont.Confusion is the name of the game,have you woke up yet?!
Its like your comment which left an empty page.This person perhaps does more through mistakes,than you do purposely.Now an again its my turn,to offer
nothing in return,for your blank comments,and at least you did not try to hurt anyones feelings this time,or show Raunchy Pictures,which surely must be
your better side. You see,its easy to write,as there is nothing planned to say,or in any certain style or any intended slams to anyone.Its much easier just
to sit here tapping the keys,and being as much surprised as anyone,at the words which appear on the screen.This way,there is not too much time wasted
in figuring out which words and actions will hurt the most,or reflect really anything to interest anyone,and certainly not me.This does provide good reading
and you get a first hand look at what,maybe a Professional can deliver in words without exactly meaning anything at all,or maybe the worst things which
you have problems to perceive,and allow me to say the things wished,and you are none the wiser,as,Hey!! There is no real subject,or inclinations to be
angry at,because you have completely forgotten what the question was,so how could you ever give any credible answers,for a subject you had no idea
you were involved in,while you are all having fun with your funning,you even forget that what you are trying to say is lost in the translations of the replies
which are as bad as the question,but never fully understood,so haow can anyone be angry with what any of you say,when none even guess the correct of
the question,and evade the writers words,and all because ,No One,simply,Does Not Understand. Enjoy,and when you figure this out,please let me know
fore I have forgotten what I was going to write about.
Aug 28, 2008 22:31
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Blueyankee, I think your problem here is that you are taking what we say too seriously and missing the humour (English spelling)
If you had of been paying attention rather than just waiting to spill more vitriol at us all you may have noticed JC’s photo switch and where it came from.
We have in fact made you a star. That’s a complement in its self and sadly you’ve missed that as well.
I am genuinely sorry to hear that you have visa and health problem. I hope they are both resolved soon.
Cheers, Dodger.
Aug 28, 2008 22:49
  • JCNILE123
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  • Status: Offline
Dear Yankee,
I just like you to know that Dodger last reply is a reflection of my thinking, so, I really have nothing to add at this time.

BY, how you like my picture?

I do not think Dodger like's it, but it is ok, because I think is sort of LOCO looking, HE, he,
Mar 4, 2012 23:32
GUEST63191 where have all the good women gone? many women today are very nasty, and have a rotten attitude problem that i have noticed now. it does seem very hard for the good men to connect with the good women now. i certainly can say, i do meet the low life loser women instead of the decent ones. just my luck i guess. cannot blame myself since women have no respect for men anymore, like they once use to. first of all, many women should read a book to educate themselves better. a book that says, how to talk too men. just maybe, this will help.
Mar 18, 2012 08:54
GUEST63191 you said good sincere women? well gee, where would they be today? since i seem to meet the very nasty ones, with their no good attitude problem today?
Oct 23, 2012 20:44
GUESTSOVERYTRUE so many women these days play too many head games, and have become so damn nasty to talk too. you women now seem to have a very bad attitude problem, and i guess many of you have been very abused by men in the past that has caused you to be so very messed up today.
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