Good Feed Back,to threads. Why is it hard to meet sincere woman
Aug 22, 2008 20:57
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Holly Molly! This thread is still alive!
Aug 23, 2008 00:04
  • SONIA1985
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GUEST29183 ,,I was wondering why you have 3 name:Claude ?Patrick ?Mark ?
Aug 23, 2008 02:47
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Sonia, perhaps you could recommend a good psychiatrist to Claude, Patrick and Mark.
Aug 26, 2008 23:29
GUEST31190 Shesgotto be, I am very surprised that this thread even captivated so many useless users.To keep such a pointless question so much in the Publics eye
on this site.I see no reason why they just cant let it die.Its strange,that Obama does not share all this critism,and join this thread.Obama makes less sense than this thread does,yet no one wants to be left out,of the frey.Its a wonder some one does on pick up on all the women whom have made sex
propositions on this thead,and the other threads.This is tame compared to the other forums,and their languages. Boy,this thread is getting alot of milage.
Some one should begin another thread,and compete with this one,and be as popular.
Aug 26, 2008 23:44
GUESTALTON33... Ha, ha, the blue yankee strike again.............................
Aug 27, 2008 05:25
GUEST31167 Its a mild decision,but a good one,to enhance this thread.It appears to be running,in a constant upswing,and may even bring rewards beyond comprehension.There should be page ,nine through twelve,then it should be in its final stages,of whatever purpose its actually serving,anyone.Its a safe
conclusion,that this thread is as the others,for other people to meet,and address each other,rather than resort to their personal e-mails,which may actually be boring to them well as any in communication with them.It is a good heart warming resolve,that a thread as this,has prospered and brought
so many people together,who are so similiar to themselves. This is terriffic,as who would believe such a Thread,would serve so many worthile purposes
and creating new friends,and new trust,if one could ever really trust each other. So with further adieu,its time to depart,and think of ways to get other
reactions,which will exceed these pages,and actually derive some notiable replies. So as they say,time to retire,and maybe go to another Forum,which
is one of maybe over 100,and you will all form your own conclusions from this notice,and add more pages to this thread.Most of you will most certainly
be wrong,but then thats the fun of it all.Thinking you want me to believe you are bad,when everyone knows you are. Look for me on a new thread,I like the warmth of Olde Friends and Critics,to usher in a new thread. Bye Bye! See you all soon.
Aug 27, 2008 22:49
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How’s the terminal illness that you told us about Blue? Any updates?
Sounds like you’re coping quite well though all things considered.
Good luck in your new home.
Cheers, Dodger.
Aug 27, 2008 23:35
GUEST22560 Dodger ; you are too hard to take at times.Its just a little difficult to profile you,accurately,as liking you as a friend would be greatly possible,which it is assured you would be a worthy friend.Yes,its a terminal illness,which mostly is kept under wraps,and which are only exploited,for convenience,as alternative routes offer little recourse,but now its into areas where you are not familiar with. Yes,there is always a chance my condition,may change at any moment.Its only been 8 months,and it will have to be a year,before,the danger zones are mostly surpassed,and life will have more of a outlook,than now.At this time,nothing is stable,nor guaranteed that the year will be reached at all.My legs have been disabled,at least 70 %,and the rest is in pain continually. I have no idea what you are saying about a new home,except for the one,where my wife and me live in presently.So Thanks.It appears that every Lawyer we retain,takes our money,and does not continue doing us well after a few weeks,it appears they drop us,and our duplicate documents and money are lost. It may seem strange to you,but on another site,a woman has asked the same question,and began a thread,exactly like mine.She is having no luck receiving any answers at all.However,no one is making fun of her question,or saying off color remarks to her.(The site is a full Chinese Forum,and has many Americans and other representives of other countries,whom as the same typical questions that are asked here,and in threads.) So unfortunately,this Forum will not be known to you. Thanks
Aug 28, 2008 07:25
  • JCNILE123
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Aug 28, 2008 07:54
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JC, Nice new pic..perhaps the old one is better?...ha
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