Better to raise a daughter than a son
Jul 23, 2008 04:05
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Do you prefer having a son or a daughter? If this question was asked 10 years ago, a majority of Chinese couples would give a definite answer: a son. In particular, some househoulds in rurual China did their best to give birth to a boy even at the risk of defying “one child policy” and being heavily fined. Today, a large portion of urban families prefer having a daughter to having a son because of the roaring house price in China’s big cities. In Chinese culture, it is men who are supposed to raise the family and buy the real estate. Therefore, to raise a son means that the parents have to shoulder more financial pressure since it is the boy’s duty to buy a home before marriage.

This is the future financial pressure after a boy grows up. Recently, a survey (by GE Money) on the difference between bring up a son and bringing up a daughter in Britain reveals that a son will cost parents £7000 more to raise than a daughter (from age 1-18 or 20). The reason why raising a boy cost more than raising a girl is that boys need to be kept in gadgets and sporting equipment. Raising a son is not as economical as raising a daughter! This is a truth not only in China but in Britain. What about the rest of the world? Certainly, in some cultures, sons are still thought to the only valid heir of the family. They seldom care about the economic costs. Anyhow, raising a family is enjoyable but it isn’t cheap!
Jul 23, 2008 12:38
Anyhow, raising a family is enjoyable but it isn’t cheap!

Your'e not wrong there! it's very expensive to bring up children.
I only have my daughter ( that I'm claining anyway ) and my step-daughter ( who doesn't cost me anything at the moment ) I'm still a proud father.

Jul 23, 2008 17:56
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The only time I have heard complaints is when daughters get married. Since the Father traditionally pays for the cost of the wedding and the cost can be thousands of dollars, a father of several girls may worry about the time they get of age to marry.
Otherwise, I have never heard of a comparison between the costs of raising a boy or girl. Neither one is considered obligated to care for their parents. In fact my wife has commented that in America the young people are usually in debt while the older parents have much money.
We all know about China's treatment of girl babies. Many Westerners have opened their homes to abandoned children. Myself included. It is not unusual around here to go to a children's festival and see Asiain children with Western parents. Almost always girl children.
Jul 23, 2008 18:28
  • JCNILE123
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It is better to love your child regardless of sex.
We just have one opportunity to do it right.

Parents are mainly responsible for whom their child turn out to be.
Jul 23, 2008 21:31
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Why prefer one over the other just because of monetary reasons? They are both your children. Is it really all about the money? I’d like to think parents are better than this.

Yes, in some cultures, only the sons are valid heirs but in some cultures the gender doesn’t matter. It doesn’t even matter if the heir is blood related or not. What matters is the love and concern for each other as a family.
Jul 23, 2008 22:33
GUESTCHINE "Why prefer one over the other just because of monetary reasons? They are both your children. Is it really all about the money? "

Shegottobe, don't you know that parents are becoming good investors in China? Raising children is just like investment. For instance, it is just like buying stocks. All investors want to buy the High potential stocks (Value stocks) and High growth stock (High earning growth stocks).

Back to your question:
Chinese parents prefer boys to girls for a long history. In the countryside, parents prefer boys because boys are good labour forces for the family.
Jul 23, 2008 22:48
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as JC said, parent should care what their child/children is going to be in the future...if child become a real man/mam, they would be wealth for parents NOT a BURDEN.

why care it's a boy or a girl. Chairman Mao said, women/girls can support half of the universe...
Jul 24, 2008 21:23
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"Shegottobe, don't you know that parents are becoming good investors in China? Raising children is just like investment. For instance, it is just like buying stocks. All investors want to buy the High potential stocks (Value stocks) and High growth stock (High earning growth stocks)."

After reading this, I am beginning to look at people as stocks and bonds. For example, will I make money with this person or will I lose money? Or will I break-even? O_o

LOL! Very funny.
Jul 25, 2008 07:50
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Coolsprings, Chairman Mao said that when? Maybe he that time was not aware about situation these days.

In western countries there are no problems about having son or daughter, whereas I think in Chinese or any other overpopulated country does.

I have three daughters, not any sons. All they do is cost, can´t call them good investments. If they were boys, situation would be the same. Anyway, I love them no matter what.

Jul 26, 2008 11:00
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<<Anyway, I love them no matter what>>

CARLOS, children are your wealth, aren't they.

Finland enjoys high welfare, the cost of raising child is not that high as other countries. I hear in Denmark, high-level edu (university) is free, it's not surprising to find that public transit driver has master or doctorate degree.
Jul 27, 2008 04:49
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More and more parents want to have daughters only due to the financial pressures? It is a sad story!
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