Should a schoolgirl of 16 marry her Re-teacher of 49?
Jul 30, 2008 21:00
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“Should a 16-year-old girl marry her 49-year-old religious teacher? What’s your opinion?”

I’m not sure if a 16-year old can legally marry but if by law she is allowed to marry, then she can. As for whether she ‘should’, it is her decision. She could be right but she could be wrong, too. Either way, it is her life and she will learn about life on her own, in her own pace and time.

Life is trial and error. You know what they say about teenagers. They know everything. LOL!
Jul 30, 2008 22:26
  • JCNILE123
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Goodness gracious, this fellow has to be a messiah or something so great... I most confess to the world, I botched miserably!
Or maybe not, He, he... He /she most are the antichrist, because he/she is so smart, so intelligent.

Perhaps none of the above, but...another sick old coffin dodger, which is lurking around the schools with hand full of candy.
Jul 31, 2008 01:35
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He's obviously a great believer of religion and marriage! Someone to use as a role model.
Jul 31, 2008 03:43
GUEST15846 Hi Dodger

I saw ho exemplary a character you were by your inherent threat to hospitalise this chap and yes I would continue with my view that you certainly pose more of a threat to society than this chap.

Yes this is a forum but you talk about culture and morality and then makes the comments you do. You use disparaging terms like coffin dodger etc.

If it was my daughter I would be interested in one thing only initially and that would be her happiness. I do have a daughter one year older who like this one is very bright, got all A A* and is not set for same at A level. I have also seen her in discussion with people many tomes her senior and she holds her own and often outshines these people because of her high degree of maturation. I know if she was in a relationship I would have to trust her judgement because she is a very switched on cookie. Second I would want to meet her man and see what he was about. Your contention is press driven the fact actually that is coming out is that he WAS her RE teacher for about 4 months. He left school in the March and they did not start talking etc until the September. All this can be gleaned form other articles outside of the Mail incidentally other have commented positively about them. The counter claim is also that the blokes marriage was over and that his x wife did in fact endorse it them it started...a fact put forward by his son on some other forum.

My view Mr DOdger is I do not judge out of hand although I did and do judge you. I abhor violent types and you suggest you are. Legally if we assume he had left school and she was over 16 nothing has been done wrong. The question I would ask is do you know for certain? No you dont and you have merely judged bringing your own prejudice to bear. For me I do not know but the evidences seem to be contradictory.

Last I repeat my assertion that if it was my daughter doing what you have done andher parents have done is a sure fire way to drive her straight inot his arms for ever and whilst I might not mind that happening I would like to be by her side and support her.

Cheers to you...enjoy your mid west vigilantism!

Jul 31, 2008 05:18
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Thanks for your reply。
“I saw ho exemplary a character you were by your inherent threat to hospitalise this chap and yes I would continue with my view that you certainly pose more of a threat to society than this chap”
My remark was made with tongue firmly in cheek with the scenario “if it was me” so there was no threat directed at this teacher。Rest assured, I am not in the habit of threatening people。 I don’t need to。
“Yes this is a forum but you talk about culture and morality and then makes the comments you do. You use disparaging terms like coffin dodger etc.”
Clearly my mistake。 I should have used quotations。Check the whole thread。 You will see that I have taken it from JC‘s post。I thought it was a funny line。
“I do have a daughter one year older who like this one is very bright,”
I really don’t want to bring your daughter into this。 I have children too。 One the same age。 Both have limited life experiences, as one would expect, and so in some situations would simply not have the life skills that you and me have to make judgment calls on matters such as this。 Both appear mature。( from the outside) But I have not and never would say “sure, as long as it makes you happy Son”So on that point we are at odds。

So you’re saying the parents of the girl are over the moon with her choice as you would be?
I was in fact replying to
“Should a schoolgirl of 16 marry her Re-teacher of 49?“
You can dress this up in what ever way you wish。 My answer was and is a very clear no。I really don’t care if his ex wife, son or mother or uncle Tom Cobly and all think that this is OK。Nor do I give a toss about the legalities of it。Some of this legislation has simple gone too far, and has in my humble opinion helped to destabilize too many families。
I would certainly hope this scenario does not happen to you and yours。
This little love story will not end to the sound of “love is a many splendid thing“
“enjoy your mid west vigilantism!“
That really hurt。I‘m from Kent and don’t play the banjo。
But again, thanks for your response。
Cheers, Dodger。
Jul 31, 2008 08:18
GUEST15846 OK Dodger

Well I hope we have cleared some misunderstanding up so far. I am glad you are not a vigilante! However I did read the whole thread and am still appalled at the small mindedness of people.

The destabilisation of families! Certainly I was astonished by Mother going to the press and and the various things she has said and done. I would never dream of doing that at any stage. I saw her Mother on TV when this hit in February and have to say something does not add up, nor does it in the papers. A very focused straight A* / A grade student who was Deputy Head of a large Comp school and then portrayed as a silly little daughter spotted that anomaly immediately. Our society does appear to be falling apart but I doubt it is the fault of these 2 and I do not think they really represent a disintegration either. I think judgement and opinion have created a pretty unpleasant society. I have a brother in USA who I asked about this story. His view and others out there is it is so not newsworthy and indeed only in the mid west would it be so which is the fanatical stomping bible belt ground. Thus why I used that quote. I am sorry if it offended.

You may not give a toss about the legalities. But that is exactly the point .. you cannot avoid them just to suit yourself. You cannot drink and drive. A legality. You cannot steal. A legality. In this case there story as presented by his wife and her Mother just do not add up and the latest Mail article continues the vilification by the same journalist. Where is an article by her and I found one...Western Morning News. A very different picture emerges.

Limited life experiences. What does a life experience constitute? You and me may experience something and have a totally different reaction to it. We may express that to a common friend who then has to decide on what to do faced with a similar situation. I don't know about you I have found experience can severely colour things and lead me to be prejudiced and so I try to discount so called life experience because it does not always presuppose maturation.

You ask whether I would be over the moon at her choice of man? Interesting point. One of my best friends daughters aged 16 has just got pregnant by a chap who has immediately dropped her and refuses to stand by her. He is 22. Her parents are besides themselves but wisely in my view are standing by their daughters decision to have the child. In the same way it is not for me to dislike or force my opinion on my daughters choice of man. I have stated and would stand by it that I would want to meet him and see how they were. Certainly it is not the ordinary and one would have concerns but I would be talking it through with them and would stand by her and support them. My concern would be far more her happiness and his understanding of that. And it should be noted here they are 7 months later after what must have been an ordeal and a half and they are still happy. That says something.


Jul 31, 2008 08:23
GUEST15846 Cont

Limited life experiences. What does a life experience constitute? You and me may experience something and have a totally different reaction to it. We may express that to a common friend who then has to decide on what to do faced with a similar situation. I don't know about you I have found experience can severely colour things and lead me to be prejudiced and so I try to discount so called life experience because it does not always presuppose maturation.

You ask whether I would be over the moon at her choice of man? Interesting point. One of my best friends daughters aged 16 has just got pregnant by a chap who has immediately dropped her and refuses to stand by her. He is 22. Her parents are besides themselves but wisely in my view are standing by their daughters decision to have the child. In the same way it is not for me to dislike or force my opinion on my daughters choice of man. I have stated and would stand by it that I would want to meet him and see how they were. Certainly it is not the ordinary and one would have concerns but I would be talking it through with them and would stand by her and support them. My concern would be far more her happiness and his understanding of that. And it should be noted here they are 7 months later after what must have been an ordeal and a half and they are still happy. That says something.

I am sorry Dodger I have never dealt in generalisations and do not make blanket judgements, it stinks. I have always taken each and every case on merit and I am proud to say my children do the same. I am not in a position to judge this couple either. Marriage seems to be a commitment from both of them. So he has been married before... so has my best friend who is now on wife number 6 and I am to be his best man. In his case there are good reasons. Mr Richards was married for 19 years it says and has 2 children. The older stays with him. Interesting I wonder why? Another of my friends is a complete lothario and has had hundreds of women by his own admission. Now that would worry me as it suggests women are just a conquest to him.

My point Dodger is this case has far far more to it than the rather biased patronising Mail reports. I would love to hear their side of the story in an unbiased way but the media and people like those on this site are so quick to judge what chance is there?

Judge and jury whatever your intention, tongue in cheek or not you reek of disapproval. I hope you are paragon of moral virtue that allows you to pass judgement so so quickly.

How do you know how this 'little love story' will end? Do you have a crystal ball?

I hope they stay the course and if they are quoted in 3 or 5 or 7 years time it would be a testament to how wrong you and others were and are.

I for one will maintain my stance of trying to be objective.

Maybe you should try it?

Jul 31, 2008 08:35
  • JCNILE123
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Keep the good work,
if you are attack by this sick people; it means your words are reaching in to the membranes of their mental depravation.

Fact that they are from Australia make them uneasy, because you can tell us the fact as they are, and not as this sick perverts want the others to think it is.

As I understand it, based on your wrings, it is a perversion to have an old sick man going after young boys and girls in Australia, and so it is in America, China, and every where there is a child, a child most be protected from this low life predators.
Jul 31, 2008 08:47
GUEST15846 Dear God

Even JCNILE is misinformed.

USA has differing consent ages from 16 to 18 and so it is throughout the world.

Do you actually understand the term consent??????

Get your facts right.

Tell me do you stick pins in voodoo dolls as well?
Jul 31, 2008 09:12
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thanks for the back up Mate. look like we have upset some people again. I must start playing the banjo..any tips?
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