Should a schoolgirl of 16 marry her Re-teacher of 49?
Aug 4, 2008 08:00
  • JCNILE123
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Dodger, Sonia,
At the very end, this individuals that have pop up defending parson Clive are looking for, is a self interested agenda that fit them right.
They don't care about parson Clive, and his sick behavior; by defending parson Clive this individuals advance their they think.
Not in this forum, anyway...I don’t think there is pity here for parson Clive.

((((As time goes by, affairs between uncle and niece, between brother and sister might become justifiable........ ))))

That is why these parson Clive defenders are so upset.
Aug 4, 2008 08:07
  • JCNILE123
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Guess 25146; thump again.

Holly Molly, this thing is getting scary... Do I need to go in to hiding like the guy from Britain (Rushdie)?

Now we have a lawyer in Australia that travels around the world.
We also have a “Social Ologist” (that is Blue Yankee) in Guangzhou that is tracking people down, with the promise, that he will punish all the ones that have crossed him. For the ones that are no able to understand the up there language... (“Social Ologist”) translated to outback english most be read “Zoologist”.

A Human-God of nature. Zoologist have the ability to control animal behavior, talk with animals, make plants grow really fast, and eat little children.

Last career choice available to those with a serious brain injury.

Father (to son): What happens if you ride your bike without a helmet?

Son: My head will hit the ground and my brains will fall out.

Father: And then what?

Son: I have to be a lawyer

Father: And we don't want that, do we?

Son (with horror): NNOOOOO!

Fifteen Cents

This lawyer is standing at the gate to Heaven and St. Peter is listing his sins:

1) Defending a large corporation in a pollution suit where he knew they were guilty.

2) Defending an obviously guilty murderer because the fee was high.

3) Overcharging fees to many clients.

4) Prosecuting an innocent woman because a scapegoat was needed in a controversial case.

...And the list goes on for quite awhile.

The lawyer objects and begins to argue his case. He admits all these things, but argues, "Wait, I've done some charity in my life also."

St. Peter looks in his book and says,” Yes, I see. Once you gave a dime to a panhandler and once you gave an extra nickel to the shoeshine boy, correct?"

The lawyer gets a smug look on his face and replies, "Yes." St. Peter turns to the angel next to him and says, "Give this guy 15 cents and tell him to go to Hell!!!
Aug 4, 2008 08:27
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JC, aka “The Chief”
Fantastic comeback and well worth waiting for.
Sonia defiantly scored a hole in one on a point that we both missed though.
How do you defend the un-defendable? Simple I suppose, just throw as much crap as you can.
For me though what invalidated his argument was his continual resort to personal abuse.
But to close on a lighter note;
Paddy phones for an ambulance as his mates been hit by a car.
Operator asks where the accident is, Paddy says outside 28 Eucalyptus road: can you spell that ? The line goes quiet for 5 minutes.
Operator gets a bit worried. Then Paddy says sorry about that, I’ve just dragged him around to 5 Oak Road.
Aug 4, 2008 08:39
  • JCNILE123
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Dodger LOL,

That is a good 10 for a monday morning.

Sonia was magnificent on her opinion.
Aug 4, 2008 23:28
  • JCNILE123
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(((define morality)))


A method by which an act can be labeled "right”, “wrong”, or "neither". Many moral philosophies exist.

Egoism: "Drinking is wrong because it is bad for me."

Hedonism: "Drinking is right because it makes me feel good."

Utilitarianism: "Drinking is right because it brings about more good than evil."

Libertarianism: "Drinking is not wrong since it does not infringe on anyone else liberty. It is not right since I am also at liberty to NOT drink."

Divine Command Theory: "Let's burn witches! The Bible says we should."
Aug 5, 2008 10:54
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So perhaps a final end to this saga;
A young couple wanted to become members of the church. The pastor told them, 'We have a special requirement for new member couples. You must abstain from sex for one whole month.’ The couple agreed, but after two-and-a-half weeks returned to the Church. When the Pastor ushered them into his office, the wife was crying and the husband was obviously
very depressed. 'You are back so soon... Is there a problem?' the
pastor inquired.’ We are terribly ashamed to admit that we did not manage to abstain from sex for the required month,' the young man replied sadly. The pastor asked him what happened.. 'Well, the first week was difficult. However, we managed to abstain through sheer will power. The second week was terrible, but with the use of prayer, we managed to abstain. But, the third week was unbearable. We tried cold showers, prayer, reading from the Bible...anything to keep our minds off carnal thoughts.’ The husband continued, 'One afternoon my wife
reached for a can of beans and dropped it. When she bent over to pick it up, I was over come with lust and I just had my way with her right then and there. It was lustful, loud, passionate sex. ''It lasted for over an hour and when we were done we were both drenched in sweat,' admitted the man shame facedly. The pastor lowered his head and said sternly, 'You understand this means you will not be welcome in our church. ''We know,' said the young man, hanging his head. 'We're not welcome at Sainsbury's either.'
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